• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

History of Kazakhstan


Academic year: 2023

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Recommendations for writing term papers (for students of all specialities)

Almaty 2022

Non-Profit Joint Stock Company



Department of Social disciplines


Authors: Baidildina Fellan S.H., History of Kazakhstan. Recommendations for writing term papers on the history of Kazakhstan for students of all specialities. – Almaty: AUPET, 2022. – P. 30.

The proposed recommendations contain methodical instructions for writing term papers on the course of «History of Kazakhstan», subjects and the list of recommended literature.

Reviewer:Senior Lecturer in the Department of Language Studies Yerzhanova Zh. B.

Published according to the plan of publications of noncommercial JSC

«Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications» named after Gumarbek Daukeev, 2022.

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named after Gumarbek Daukeev, 2022



Recommendations for writing term papers

The term papers on the course "History of Kazakhstan" is an obligatory work to be performed in accordance with the curriculum. The performance of the term papers is the form of testing the students’ readiness study activities. In studying the history of Kazakhstan the student must complete three term papers. Each term paper should be done in the written form.

The term paper is not an ordinary student's test work, it is an indicator of the students’ intellectual level, his/her general culture and special training.

The purpose of the term paper is to consolidate the knowledge received during the lectures and self-study work at historical sources.

The objectives of performing the term papers are deepen and enhance the student's knowledge in the theory and methodology of the science, its urgent problems, introduction into the independent scientific work, mastering research methods and modern scientific "language".

The term papers are carried out according to the schedule. The deadline of the term papers: the first paper should be presented at Week 5, the second - Week 9, the third - week 13 (with the 15 week period of study). Punctuality is a prerequisite for the students’ attestation and access to the exam.

The theme of term papers must be actual and have research character representing mostly the independent investigation of the problem, showing the student's ability to do the conclusions on the basis of analysis. The relevance of a term paper theme is defined by its correspondence to the major fields of the present day science.

The structure of the term paper depends on the nature of the topic, the specific content of the material and may have a different focus: a theoretical study, theoretical

and empirical or empirical research.

The structure of a term paper should include the following sections:

1. Introduction (relevance of the topic, aims, objectives, historiography).

2. Main content of the topic.

3. Conclusion (results, conclusions, evaluation).

In the introduction the chosen topic is substantiated, its importance for the science and practice, the degree of elaboration and historiography (the degree of topic studying by the domestic and foreign scientists).

In the main part the hypotheses are investigated, the main thoughts and ideas are examined. The content of the term papers should strictly correspond to the plan.

In conclusion the research results should be given, evaluation of the research results are included, and the conclusions of the declarative character are done.

1. The references are made in accordance with generally accepted requirements: Sources are listed alphabetically with the name of authors, title of books or articles (in this case the names of magazines, year and number of the issue are indicated), indicating the place of publication and year of publication. For example: Amanzholova D.A.: Soviet project in Kazakhstan: power and ethnicity.

1920-1930. М., 2020. 480 pp. Or if the magazine: Kokebaeva G.K., Stamshalov E.I.



Military units formed from Soviet prisoners of war in Germany... // History of the Homeland. - 2022. - №2 (98). P151-158.

The list of literature was given on each section.

When referring to an electronic source (such as http: //) the students need to specify the name of an author, title, its status (abstract, essays, theses, articles, etc.), date of publication, and then e-mail address. For example: Karibayev B.K. Kazakh Khanate. Essay. 2006. // Http: // www. referat. kz / pub / item / 23775.

The pagination must continuous numbering, the first page must be the cover sheet (made typewriting) the number is not put on it. This is followed by a table of contents, number 2 is put on it, etc. The pagination is put in Arabic numerals in the lower right corner.

Terms of citing: quote should absolutely be related to the author's text. All quotes should be in inverted commas and notes. The notes should be on the bottom of the page and numbered within the page.

Each term paper should contain:

1. Cover Sheet (see. Appendix №1).

2. Plan

3. Text of the paper (main sections).

4. List of the literature in the alphabetical order.

5. Possible applications (maps, etc.).

The properly structured term paper plan will serve as the organizing principle in the work of the student, helps to organize the material, it ensures consistency of its presentation.

The plan of the semester work shall be done by the student independently, taking into account their ideas and individual approaches. It represents a specific order of chapters and a detailed list of issues that should be given in the work.

The volume of a term paper must be in 14-15 pages of a handwritten text or in 12-14 pages of the computer text. The work must be written (printed) on the one side of the sheet of format A 4. The text is typed in Times New Roman (size 14) with 1.5 line spacing. Thus, it is necessary to observe the following margin (mm): the top (bottom) 2 cm, left - 3cm and right - 1.5 cm.

The term paper should be given to the teacher by the student personally or sent to the AUPET educational portal during online training.

After checking the semester work, if it complies with the rules of writing and does not require registration and processing, should be defended orally in the case of its correspondence to rules of writing and should not to be redone. On the basis of the written text the student must prepare an oral report of 5-7 minutes and answer the teachers’ questions on the theme of the work. The defense assumes the student knowledge of the topic and the ability to discuss the stated problem.

The evaluation of the semester work (credited - not credited) is based on the following criteria:

- the student performes the paper of his /her own;

- the author is able to pick up enough the list of the literature, necessary for understanding the issues identified as a theme;



- the logically formulated plan with the appropriate goals and objectives;

- the author is able to analyze the material;

- the term paper meets the requirements of the objectivity, correctness, literacy, logicality, argumentation and clarity of presentation;

- the conclusions and personal view of the author are sufficiently substantiated;

- the term paper meets the requirements of design;

- the students successfully defended their semester work and answeredthe teachers questions.

Only the students, who have done qualitatively three term papers without failures on seminars and final tests, can apply for access to state examinations.



Section I (for the term paper №1)

1. Western (agricultural) and Turkic (nomadic) civilization: general and special, their contribution to world civilization.

2. Stone Age in the territory of Kazakhstan: stages and features.

3. Botai culture is the source of steppe civilization

4. Andronov and Begazy-Dandibay cultures in the territory of Kazakhstan.

5. Tamgaly is an outstanding monument of the Bronze Age in the territory of Kazakhstan.

6. Arkaym is a cultural monument of the Bronze Age.

7. Berel mound is a cultural monument of ancient East Kazakhstan.

8. Written sources about Saka (Persian and Chinese, Greek and Roman).

9. A new archaeological discoveries in the territory of Kazakhstan (1991- 2012).

10. Prominent monuments of the Saka era: Besshatyr, Tasmola mounds.

11. Tumulus "Issyk" is a monument of the Saka era.

12. Military art and state organization of the Saka and Huns: a comparative analysis.

13. Culture, mythology and worldview of Saka.

14. Usuns state in the territory of ancient Kazakhstan.

15. Kangüy state in the territory of ancient Kazakhstan.

16. Huns state: creation, prosperity, decline.

17. Military art and organization of the Huns.

18. The Huns and the Great Migration.

19. Statehood and administrative management system of the Turkics.

20. Military organization and art of the Turkics.

21. Runic script of the Turkics: the origin and history of the study.

22. Tengrianizm is the religion of the ancient Turkics as a reflection of their worldview.

23. Karluk state in the territory of Kazakhstan.

24. The state of Turkeshs

25. The Arab conquest of southern and south-eastern Kazakhstan.

26. Oghuz in the history of Kazakhstan.

27. Karakhanid state: ethnopolitical history and cultural heritage 28. Ethnic and socio-political history of Kimaks.

29. Kipchaks, Polovtsians, Cumans: history and the present 30. Kipchaks in the history of Eurasia.

31. Written sources about Kipchaks (Russian and European medieval sources, Eastern sources).

32. "Codex Kumanicus" is a written source of the Kipchaks.

33. Naimans in the territory of Kazakhstan.

34. Kereis in the territory of Kazakhstan.

35. The Great Silk Road as a reflection of diplomacy and politics.



36. The Great Silk Road and beliefs of the Turkics (Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam).

37. Ancient mints in Kazakhstan: coinage, currency and spread.

38. Language and writing in Kazakhstan (VI-XII centuries).

39. Architectural monuments in the territory of Kazakhstan (VI - XII centuries) 40. The development of urban culture in the medieval Kazakhstan (VI-XII centuries)

41. Islam in Kazakhstan: the origin and history of the development 42. The great philosopher of the East Al-Farabi on history and politics.

43. Al-Farabi's approach to music and poetry.

44. Al-Farabi on mathematics, astronomy, medicine.

45. Medieval encyclopedistes of East: thoughts on mathematics, astronomy, medicine.

46. "Beneficial knowledge" of Yusuf Balasaguni.

47. "Dictionary of Turkic terms" of Mahmud Kashgari.

48. Khoja Ahmet Yassaui in the medieval history of Kazakhstan.

49. Asan Kaigy and Corkyt ata in Kazakh epic heritage.

50. European missionaries in Asia. (Marco Polo, Plano Carpini, Guillaume de Rubruck).

51. Genghis Khan as the great commander and founder of the Eurasian empire 52. Genghis Khan's Mongol Empire: military organization, art of war, legal norms.

53. Mongol uluses in the territory of Kazakhstan.

54. Golden Horde: formation and social structure

55. The Golden Horde: urban development, industry, trade

56. Amir Timur’s policy regarding the Golden Horde, Ak Orda and Moghulistan.

57. Ak Orda: the territory, political history and economy.

58. Moghulistan: the territory, economy and administrative organization.

59. Nogai Horde: territory, economy and administrative organization.

60. The territory, economy and system of administrative organization of the Uzbek Khanate.

Section II (for the term paper №2)

1. The formation of the Kazakh Khanate: Kazakh khans Zhanibek and Kerey.

2. Kazakh khanate in the period of the reign Burunduk and Kasym

3. Kazakh rulers public activities in the XVI-XVII centuries (Khaknazar, Tuekel, Esim, Dzhangir khans)

4. Kazakh Khanate in the period of the reign Tauke Khan.

5. Kazakh Khanate in the works of Kadyrgali Zhalairi.

6. Kazakh Khanate in the writings of Mohammed Haydar Dulati.

7. Shezhire as a historical source of history of the Kazakh people



8. Shokan Ualikhanov is the great Kazakh scientist-educator, historian, ethnographer.

9. «Zheti Zhargy» is a customary law of the Kazakhs.

10. Institute of Kurultay in the political system of the traditional Kazakh society.

11. The system of governance and public administration of the Kazakh Khanate in the XV and XVII centuries.

12. Traditional social structure of Kazakh society in the XV-XVII centuries.

13. Traditional patronymic principle of Kazakh society.

14. The development of trade and economic relations in the Kazakh Khanate in the ХV- ХVII centuries.

15. Family and marital relationships in the Kazakh Khanate XV-XVII centuries.

16. Semantics of applied Arts of the Kazakh people.

17. Traditional worldview and mythology of the Kazakhs in the ХV- ХVII centuries.

18. Traditional musical and poetic Art of the Kazakhs in the XV-XVII centuries.

19. Institute of Biys in the Kazakh society.

20. European travelers about Kazakhstan in the ХVI-ХIХ centuries.

21. The diplomacy of the Kazakh Khanate in the XV-XVII centuries.

22. Kazakh-Chinese relations in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

23. Kazakh-Russian diplomatic and trade-economic relations in the XVI-XVII centuries.

24. Kazakh-Jungar relations in the XV-XVIII centuries.

25. "Aktaban Shubyrindy" (1723-1727) in Kazakh history.

26. The role of Kazakh warriors in the traditional Kazakh society.

27. Abulkhair Khan is a warrior, politician, diplomat.

28. Abylai Khan is warrior, politician, diplomat.

29. The process of accession of Kazakhstan to Russia: stages and features.

30. Charter about the Siberian Kirghiz 1822: the purpose, significance, results.

31. Charter about of Orenburg Kirghiz 1824: the purpose, significance, results.

32. The national liberation movement of the Kazakhs of the Junior Zhuz under the direction of Syrym Datov (1783-1797).

33. The national liberation movement of the Kazakhs of the Junior Zhuz under the direction of Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov (1836-1838).

34. The National Liberation movement of the Kazakhs under the direction of Kenesary Kasymuly (1837-1847).

35. The National Liberation Uprising of the Kazakhs under the direction of Zhankozha Nurmuhameduly (1850es).

36. Cossack’s military-colonization of Kazakhstan

37. Legal, administrative and territorial reforms of Tsarist Russia in Kazakhstan in the second half of the XIX century: the purpose and results.



38. The study of Kazakhstan by Russian scientists: I.A Levshin V. Dahl, W.

Radlof, etc.

39. Resettlement policy of Tsarist Russia in the 2nd half of the XIX c.: the purpose and resuls.

40. The resettlement of Uighurs and Dungan in the Zhetisu.

41. Relationship between Kazakh khanate and the Kokan, Khiva and Bukar khanates.

42. The Bokei Horde in the Kazakh history of the XIX century.

43. Resettlement policy of Tsarist Russia early XX century: purpose, methods, consequences.

44. The collapse of the traditional Kazakh economy at the beginning of theXX century.

45. The development, features and character of industry in Kazakhstan early XX century.

46. Russian expeditions to Kazakhstan in late XIX - early XX century: purpose and results (F. Sherbina, P. Skryplev, P. Khvorostansky, P. Rumyantsev, etc.)

47. Foreign capital in Kazakhstan at the beginning of the XX century.

48. The idea of Jadidism and national education in Kazakhstan.

49. The impact of the first Russian revolution on social and political life in the Kazakh region and the Karkaraly petition.

50. The role of the Union of Muslims "Ittifaq-al-Muslimin" in uniting the Muslim-Turkish peoples of the Russian Empire.

51. Participation of the Kazakhs in the activities of the State Duma I-II in Russia

(A. Beremzhanov, B. Karataev, etc.).

52. National liberation uprising in Kazakhstan in 1916: the purpose, features and historical significance.

53. "Alash" movement and the decision and historical significance of the All- Kazakh congresses I, II.

54. “Alash party”: creation, leaders, program, activities.

55. “Ush Zhuz” party: creation, program, activities.

56. “Aykap” magazine and social and political life of Kazakhstan at the beginning of the XX century.

57. "Kazakh" newspaper is the herald of the Alash party.

58. Alikhan Bukeikhanov is the leader of the Kazakh political elite.

59. Ahmet Baitursynov is “Teacher of the Nation”.

60. Mustafa Shokai is a politician and patriot.



Section III (for the semester work №3)

1. The October revolution and Kazakhstan: features of the establishment of Soviet power and the "Declaration of the Rights of the Russian People".

2. Kokan autonomy is an independent state of Turkestan.

3. Kazakhstan in the years of civil confrontation.

4. New economic policy in Kazakhstan: features, difficulties and consequences

5. Famine in 1921-1922: causes, scope and consequences.

6. The formation of the Kazakh Soviet Autonomous Socialist Republic.

7. The idea of Turkism. M. Sultangaliyev, M. Shokai, T. Ryskulov.

8. Industrialization in Kazakhstan: the nature, rate, scope and results.

9. Collectivization in Kazakhstan (Domestic and foreign historiography).

10. Popular protests and uprisings of the Kazakhs against forced collectivization in 1929-1931.

11. Famine in Kazakhstan in the early 1930s, its demographic consequences.

12. Mass terror and political repressions in Kazakhstan in the late 1920s and the second half of the 1930s.

13. History of the deportation of ethnic groups to Kazakhstan.

14. Establishment of the Soviet educational system. Contradictions in the direction of literacy.

15. The development of science and scientific institutions in Kazakhstan in 1920-1930es.

16. Kazakhstan as a evacuation center during World War II.

17. Kazakhstani on the front against fascist aggression.

18. Kazakh girls are heroes of the Soviet Union (A. Moldagulova, M.

Mametova, Kh. Dospanova).

19. Turkestan Legion during the World War II: fiction and reality.

20. Assistance to the front of the industry and agriculture of Kazakhstan.

21. Karlag is a symbol of Stalinist terror.

22. The development of virgin and fallow lands in Kazakhstan: causes, scope, results.

23. Socio-economic, cultural-spiritual and demographic consequences of the development of virgin and fallow lands in Kazakhstan.

24. "Khrushchev Thaw" and Kazakhstan: attempts to reform the political system and economy.

25. "Zhas tulpar" is an informal organization of the Kazakh youth and its role in raising national consciousness.

26. Kazakhstan within the military-industrial complex system of the USSR (1941-1991).

27. Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in memoirs and scientific literature.

28. Tendencies of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan in 1960- 1970s.



29. Education system of Kazakhstan and its institutional structures in 1960- 1970s.

30. Science of Kazakhstan in the 1960s-1970s: directions, achievements and problems.

31. Prominent representatives of the culture and art of Kazakhstan in 1960- 1970s

32. Prominent representatives of Kazakh literature in 1960-1970s.

33. The Aral Sea: environmental problems and social changes.

34. Soviet Kazakhstan during the years of Perestroika: goals and results.

35. The December uprising of 1986: causes and historical significance.

36. The December Uprising of 1986 in Memoirs and Fiction.

37. Public organizations and movements in Kazakhstan in the late 1980 - early 1990s.

38. The collapse of the USSR: the reasons, course and results.

39. Declaration of Independence of Kazakhstan, its historical significance.

40. Dinmuhamed Akhmetuly Konaev: personality, politician, leader.

41. Academician K. Satbaev is an outstanding scientist and statesman.

42. Energy system of Kazakhstan: history of the formation and development.

43. Heat energy system of Kazakhstan: the formation, development and renewal prospects.

44. Radio engineering and communication of Kazakhstan: the formation and future of development.

45. State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan as an integral attributes of independence.

46. The first economic reforms in the Republic of Kazakhstan: directions, achievements and problems (1992-1997).

47. Tenge is a symbol of Kazakh statehood and independence.

48. Toktar Aubakirov is the first cosmonaut of independent Kazakhstan.

49. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a guarantee of stability, prosperity and independence.

50. World Kurultai of the Kazakhs and its role in the history of independent Kazakhstan.

51. Migration and demographic processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

52. State program "Cultural heritage": the purpose, directions of the implementation, significance.

53. Foreign policy of Kazakhstan, its top priorities.

54. Kazakh diaspora: history and the present.

55. The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev:

life path, activities, works.

56. Youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

57. Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education and science.

58. Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of culture and art.



59. Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of health care, sports and physical education.

60. Almaty University of Power Engineering and Communications: history and future of development.

Literature on the Section I (for the term paper №1)


1. Qazaqstan tarihy. Ejelgi zamannan bügingi künge deyin. 5 tomdyq. - А., 1998, 2000-2010. [History of Kazakhstan. From ancient times to the present. 5 volumes]. - А., 1998, 2000-2010.

2. Qazaqstannıñ qazirgi zaman tarïhy. Xrestomatïya. (1917-1939). 1т. Red.

basqarğan Q. S. Qarajan. - Almatı, 2007. [Modern history of Kazakhstan.

Chrestomat]. - Almaty, 2007. https://elib.kaznu.kz/

3. Qazaqstan (Qazaq eli) tarïxı. – 4 tomdıq. 3 tom. - Almatı, Qazaq unïversïteti, 2016. [History of Kazakhstan (Kazakh country). - 4 volumes. V. 3. - Almaty, Kazakh University Publ.] https://elib.kaznu.kz/

4. History of Kazakhstan. - A., Gylym, 1999. http://libr.aues.kz/

5. History of Kazakhstan. Synopsis of lectures. Baidildina S.H., Kabdusheva L.Zh. A.,AUPET, 2014. 86 pp. http://libr.aues.kz/

6. Kadirbaiev A. The early and mediveal History of Kazakhstan. - A., 1998 7. Kundakbayeva Zh. History of Kazakhstan in the late medieval period of the XIII - the first third of the XVIII centuries. - А., 2011 https://elib.kaznu.kz/

Written sources and investigetions

1. Abdirov M.Zh. Muhammed-Khanafya (Chokan) Chingisovich Valikhanov ob etnonime “kazak”, ob etnonome “kazakh” i etnogeneze kazakhskogo naroda //Otan tarihy. №1 (97), 2022. B. 15-23 [Abdirov M.Zh. Muhammed-Hanafia (Chokan) Chingisovich Valikhanov on the etymon "Qossaq", ethnonym "Kazakh"

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2. Abuseitova M.Kh., Baranova Yu.G. Pissmennie istochniki po istorii i culture Kazakhstana i Tsentralnoi Azii v XIY-XYIII vv. - Аlmaty, 2001.

[ Abuseitova M.Kh., Baranova Yu.G. Written sources on the history and culture of Kazakhstan and Central Asia in the XIY-XYIII cc.]. - Аlmaty, 2001.

3. Artykbaev Zh.O. Kochevniki Evrazii v kaleidoscope vekov i tysyachaletii.

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https://www.scribd.com/document/470585629/The-Mongol-Empire-Genghis-Khan- His-Heirs-and-the-Founding-of-Modern-China-by-John-Man-epub-pdf

17. Irmukhanov B. Proshloe Kazakhstana v pismennyh istochnikah. -Алматы, 2006. 552s. [Irmukhanov B. The past of Kazakhstan in written sources. -Almaty, 2006. 552pp.].

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19. Masanov N. Kochevaia zivilizatsia kazahov: osnovy jiznedeiatelnosti nomadnogo obshestva. – Almati, 2011.- 740s.[Masanov N. Nomadic civilization of the Kazakhs: fundamentals of life of nomadic society. - Almaty, 2011. - 740 pp.].

20. Maxmud Qaşğarï. Türki tiliniñ sözdigi. 1-tom. - Almatı, 2017. 592-bet.; 2- tom. Almatı, 2017. 528-bet. [Mahmud Kashgari. Dictionary of the Turkic language.

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21. Muxammed Xaydar Dwlatï. Tarïx ï Raşïdï. - A., 2003. [Muhammad Haidar Dulati. History and Rashidi. - A., 2003.].



22. Maqsutova A.A., Kömekov B.E.. Muxammed Xaydar Dwlatï eñbegi

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23. Qïnayatulı Z. Moñğol üstirtin meken etken soñğı türki taypaları: IX-XII ğasırlar. - A., 2001. [Kinayatuly Z. The last Turkic tribes that inhabited the Mongolian plateau: IX-XII centuries. - A., 2001.].

24. K d'Osson. Ot Chingishana do Tamerlana. - А., Sanat baspasi, 1998.[K d'Osson. From Genghis Khan till Tamerlane. - A., Sanat publishing house, 1998.].

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26. Cultural heritage of Great Silk Road in Turkestan region // Bulletin of national academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.- https://p.ayu.edu.kz/documents/7bf28e60-c277-4d49-b07a-2ac158015108_9.pdf

27. Qazaq memlekettiliginiñ tarïxı (ejelgi jäne ortağasırlıq kezeñ). - A., 2007.

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28. Qazaq dalasınıñ oyşıldarı. IX-XII ğğ. - Almatı,1995. [Thinkers of the Kazakh steppe. IX-XII centuries. - Almaty, 1995].

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31. Qazaqstan tarïxı twralı arab derektemeleri. 1-3 tomdar. -Almatı, 2005., 2006. [Arabic data on the history of Kazakhstan. Volumes 1-3. -Almaty, 2005, 2006]

32. Qazaqstan tarïxı twralı orıs derektemeleri. 1-10 tomdar. - Almatı, 2005., 2006. [Russian data on the history of Kazakhstan. Volumes 1-10. - Almaty, 2005, 2006].

33. Qadırğalï Jalayır. Şejireler jïnağı. -A., 1997. [Kadirgali Jalayir. Collection of genealogies. -A., 1997].

34. Narymbayeva А.К. Arkaim – ochag mirovoi thivilizathii, sozdannyi prototurkami. - Аlmati, 2007. [Narymbaeva A.K. Arkaim is a center of world civilization created by proto-Turks. - Almaty, 2007].

35. Petuhov Yu.D. Vasilyeva N.N. Evraziiskaya imperia skifov. - М.:

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- M .: "Veche" Publ., 2007].

36. Pismennie istochniki po culture i istorii Almati (VIII- nach. XXvv.). - А., 2008. [Written sources on the history and culture of Almaty (VIII - early XX centuries). - A., 2008].

37. Putenihin V.P. Tainy Arkaima. Nasledie drevnih ariev. – Rostov–na- Donu, 2006. [Putenikhin V.P. Secrets of Arkaim. Heritage of the ancient Aryans. - Rostov- on-Don, 2006].



38. Omarov Ğ.Q. Saq-skïf arxeologïyası: xrestomatïya. – Almatı: Qazaq wnïversïteti, 2021. [Omarov G.K. Sac-Scythian archaeology: chrestomathy. - Almaty: Kazakh University Publ., 2021].

39. Ulı Türik qağanatı. Qıtay derekteri men tüsinikter. - Ürimji, 2006. [Great Turkic Khaganate. Chinese data and insights. - Urumzhi, 2006].

40. Sartqojaulı Q. Bayırğı türik jazwınıñ genezïsi. - Astana, 2007. [Sartkojauly K. The genesis of ancient Turkic script. - Astana, 2007].

41. Charles River Editors. The Golden Horde: The History and Legacy of the Mongol Khanate. - June 5, 2020.

42. Sultanov T.I. Chingiz-khan i Chingizidy. Sud'ba i vlast'. - Moskva, 2006.

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43. “The Secret History of the Mongols”; Published by Brill Inner Asian Library 2004 www.brill.nl Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2004, 2 Vols, 1,347 pp, ISBN 90-04- 13159, http://www.brill.nl/product.asp?ID=11381

44. Uskenbay K. Ulusy pervykh Dzhuchidov. Problemy terminov Ak Orda i Kok Orda. // Tyurkologicheskiy sbornik. 2005. Tyurkskiye narody Rossii i Velikoy stepi. [Uskenbai K. Uluses of the first Jochids. Problems of terms Ak Orda and Kok Orda. // Turkological collection. 2005. Turkic peoples of Russia and the Great Steppe].

45. Chingiskhan i yego imperiya. - A., 2006. [Genghis Khan and his empire. - A., 2006].

Internet resources

46. . Otdel drevney i srednevekovoy istorii Kazakhstana.

http://kazhistory.narod.ru/ otdel_ dr.thml. [Department of ancient and medieval history of Kazakhstan].

47. Istoricheskiy server- Biblioteka. http://www. [Kyrgyz.ru Historical Server - Library].

48. Gosudarstvennyy muzey iskusstv Respubliki Kazakhstan im. A. Kasteyeva - http://www.art.nursatkz/page.php

[State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after A. Kasteeva].

49. Muzykal'noye naslediye Kazakhstana - http://musicheritage.nlrk.kz [Musical heritage of Kazakhstan].

50. Istoriya i kul'tura Kazakhstana - http://www.heritagenet.unesco.kz [History and culture of Kazakhstan].

51. The library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan https://elbasylibrary.gov.kz/en/news/code-nation-history-kazakh-khanate- book-collections-library-elbassy



Literature on the Section II (for the term paper №2)


1. Qazaqstan tarïxı. Ejelgi zamannan bügingi künge deyin. 5 tomdıq. - A., 1998, 2000-2010. [History of Kazakhstan. From ancient times to the present day. 5 volumes. - A., 1998, 2000-2010.]

2. Qazaqstannıñ qazirgi zaman tarïxı. Xrestomatïya. (1917-1939). 1t. Red.

basqarğan Q. S. Qarajan. - Almatı, 2007. https://elib.kaznu.kz/ [Modern history of Kazakhstan. Chrestomat. (1917-1939). 1t. Ed. managed by K. S. Karazhan. - Almaty, 2007.]

3. Qazaqstan (Qazaq eli) tarïxı. – 4 tomdıq. 3 tom. - Almatı, Qazaq wnïversïteti, 2016. https://elib.kaznu.kz/ [History of Kazakhstan (Kazakh country). - 4 volumes. 3 volumes. - Almaty, Kazakh University Publ., 2016.]

4. History of Kazakhstan. - A., Gylym, 1999. http://libr.aues.kz/

5. History of Kazakhstan. Synopsis of lectures. Baidildina S.H., Kabdusheva L.Zh. - A.,AUPET, 2014. http://libr.aues.kz/

6. Kundakbayeva Zh. History of Kazakhstan in the late medieval period of the XIII - the first third of the XVIII centuries. - А., 2011https://elib.kaznu.kz/

Written sources and investigations

7. Abzhanov KH. Formirovaniye i sud'by kazakhskoy intelligentsii // Mysl'. – 1993. – №5. [Abzhanov H. Formation and fate of the Kazakh intelligentsia //

Thought. - 1993. - No. 5.]

8. Abuseitova M.KH., Baranova YU.G. Pis'mennyye istochniki po istorii i kul'ture Kazakhstana i Tsentral'noy Azii v XIV-XYIIIvv. - Almati, 2001. [Abuseitova M.Kh., Baranova Yu.G. Written sources on the history and culture of Kazakhstan and Central Asia in the XIV-XYIII centuries. - Almaty, 2001]

9. Alaş qozğalısı. Qujattar men materïaldar jïnağı. 1905 – 1917 jj. T. 1. – Almatı: 2004-2007. I-IV T. [Alash movement. Collection of documents and materials. 1905 - 1917 Vol. I-IV. V. 1. – Almaty: 2004-2007.]

10. Alaş qozğalısı: mäseleniñ zerttelw tarïxınan //Qujattar men materïaldar jïnağı (1918–2007 jj.). – T. 4. / Bas red.: Qoygeldïev M.Q.; Jawaptı qurast.:

Zulqaşeva A.S. – Almatı: El-şejire, 2008. [Alash movement:from the history of studying the problem //The collection of documents and materials (1918–2007). - V.

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11. Alaş qozğalısı: Qujattar men materïaldar jïnağı: säwir 1920-1928 jj. /Bas red.: Qoygeldïev M.Q.; Jawaptı qurast.: Grïbanova E. M., Jağıparov N. R. – Almatı:

El-şejire, 2007. [Alash movement: collection of documents and materials: April 1920-1928. /Editor-in-chief: Koigeldiev M.K.; Responsible Compiler: Gribanova E.

M., Zhagyparov N. R. - Almaty: El-shezhire, 2007]

12. Akimbekov S. Kazakhstan v Rossiyskoy imperii.- Almaty: TOO«Institut Aziatskikh issledovaniy», 2018. - 562 s. [Akimbekov S. Kazakhstan in the Russian Empire. - Almaty: Institute of Asian Studies LLP, 2018. - 562 pp.]



13. Atygayev N.A. Vremya obrazovaniya kazakhskogo khanstva: nekotoryye aspekty problemy v istoriografii i istochnikakh // Otan tarikhy (Otechestvennaya istoriya). 2006, №1, str. 96-107. [Atygaev N.A. Time of the Kazakh Khanate formation: some aspects of the problem in historiography and sources // History of the homeland. 2006, No. 1. P. 96-107.]

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15. Baidïldïna Fellan S.H.,Radjapov A.W.«Birlik twı» – Türkistan ölkesi boyınşa qundı tarïxï derekköz retinde.... // Otan tarïxı. № 2(96) (2021). B. 29-39.

[Baidildina Fellan S.H., Rajapov A.U. "Birlik tuy" as a valuable historical source for the Turkestan region... // History of the homeland. No. 2(96) (2021). P. 29-39.]

16. Bekmaxanov E. XIXğ. 20-40 jıldarındağı Qazaqstan. - A., 1992.

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17. Bäkir Ä.Q., Tayman S.T.M. Şoqay - musılman émïgranttarınıñ köşbasşısı//

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M. Shokai is the leader of Muslim emigrants// History of the homeland. No. 1(97) (2022). P. 160-169.]

18. Berdyguzhin L., Sarsenov A.Stanovleniya kazakhskogo khanstva: novyy vzglyad na istoriyu. // Otan tarikhy. № 2(98) (2022). B. 54-63. [Berdyguzhin L., Sarsenov A. Formation of the Kazakh Khanate: a new look at history. // History of the homeland. No. 2(98) (2022). P. 54-63.]

19. Book of Words – Abai. – Semey, 2003



20. Galuzo P.G. Sotsial'nyye otnosheniya v kazakhskom aule i pereselencheskoy derevne Kazakhstana v nachale XX veka. - A., 1968, -150 s.

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21. Gulnar Kendirbai. We are children of


22. Yerofeyeva I.V. Khan Abulkhair: polkovodets, pravitel' i politik. -Almaty, 1999.- 336s. [Erofeeva I.V. Khan Abulkhair: commander, ruler and politician. - Almaty, 1999.- 336pp.]

23. Esmağanbetov K.L. Älem tanığan tulğa. Mustafa Şoqaydıñ dünïetanımı jäne qayratkerlik bolmısı. - Almatı «Dayk-press», 2008. 504 b.[Esmaganbetov K.L.

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24. Irmukhanov B.B. K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii kazakhskogo naroda. - A., 2008. S.288. [Irmukhanov B.B. To the issue of the Kazakh people origin. - A., 2008.




25. Isin A. Kazakhskoye khanstvo i Nogayskaya Orda vo vtoroy polovine 15- 16 vv. - A.,2004. S.160 [Isin A. Kazakh Khanate and Nogai Horde in the second half of the XV-XVI centuries. - A., 2004. 160pp.]

26. Istoriya Kazakhstana: belyye pyatna. – Almaty, 1991. [History of Kazakhstan: blank spots. - Almaty, 1991.] http://bibliotekar.kz/istorija-kazahstana-belye-pjatna

27. Istoriya kolonizatsii kraya v 20-60-kh godakh XIX veka. - Almaty,

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28. Zhirenchin K. Politicheskoye razvitiye Kazakhstana v XIX – nachale XX vv. – Almaty, 1996. [Zhirenchin K. Political development of Kazakhstan in the XIX - early XX centuries. - Almaty, 1996. ]

29. Kabıldïnov Z.E., Tılaxmetova A.S., Oralova A.Abılay xannıñ Qıtaydıñ Cïn ïmperïyasımen qarım-qatınastarındağı erekşelikter. // Otan tarïxı. № 2(98) (2022). B.

73-83 2. [Kabyldinov Z.E., Tylahmetova A.S., Oralova A. Peculiarities in Abylai Khan's relations with the Qin Empire of China. // History of the homeland. No. 2(98) (2022). P. 73-83]

30. Käribaev B. Qazaq étnonïmi twralı. // Alaş. №1 (16), 2008. 126-140-better.

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31. Käribaev B. Qadırğalï Jalayır eñbeginiñ zerttelwi tarïxınan. // Alaş, № 6, 2007. [Karibaev B. From the history of the study of Kadirgali Jalayir’s works. //

Alash, No. 6, 2007.]

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35. Kinayatұly Z. Kazakhskoye gosudarstvo i Dzhuchi-khan. - Astana «Yel Orda», 2004. [Kinayatuly Z. Kazakh state and Jochi Khan. - Astana "El Orda" Publ., 2004.]

36. Kozybayev M.K. Istoriya i sovremennost'. – Almaty, 1990. [Kozybaev M.K. History and modernity. - Almaty, 1990.]

37. Kozybayev M.K. Kazakhstan – arsenal fronta. – Almaty, 1970 [Kozybaev M.K. Kazakhstan is the arsenal of the front. - Almaty, 1970]

38. Kortabayeva G.K., Avaliyev A.A. Diplomaticheskaya perepiska kazakhskogo khanstva s sosednimi gosudarstvami (XVIII v.) // Otan tarikhy. № 1(97) (2022). B. 50-60. [Kortabaeva G.K., Avaliev A.A. Diplomatic correspondence of the Kazakh Khanate with neighboring states (XVIII century) // History of the homeland.

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39. Maduanov S., Vzaimootnosheniya kazakhov s drugimi sosednimi narodami Tsentral'noy Azii v XVIII-nach.XX vekov. – Almaty, 1995. [Maduanov S.,



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42. Masanov N.E., Abylkhozhin ZH.B., Yerofeyeva I.V. i dr. Istoriya Kazakhstana: narody i kul'tury. – Almaty, 2000. [Masanov N.E., Abylkhozhin Zh.B., Erofeeva I.V. etc. History of Kazakhstan: peoples and cultures. - Almaty, 2000]

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44. Margulan A.S., Batyrkhan B.Sh., Tokmurzayev B.S.Istoricheskaya geografiya mongol'skoy imperii v srednevekovoy entsiklopedii Shikhab ad-dina al- Omari. // Otan tarikhy. № 2(98) (2022). B. 64-72 [Margulan A.S., Batyrkhan B.Sh., Tokmurzaev B.S. Historical geography of the Mongol Empire in the medieval encyclopedia of Shihab ad-din al-Omari. // History of the homland. No. 2(98) (2022).

P. 64-72]

45. Mendikulova G. M. Istoricheskiye sud'by kazakhskoy diaspory.

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Historical fate of the Kazakh diaspora. Origin and development. Almaty: Gylym, 1997, 264 pp.]

46. Mendikulova G. Istoriya migratsiy mezhdu Kazakhstanom i Kitayem v 1860-1960-ye gg. - A., 2008. [Mendikulova G. History of migrations between Kazakhstan and China in 1860-1960s. - A., 2008.]

47. Mırzağalïulı M. 1916-1917 jj. Torğay qazaqtarınıñ köterilisi. - Alamtı, 2005. [Myrzagaliuli M. Uprising of the Torgai Kazakhs. 1916-1917 - Alamty, 2005.

48. Mustafina R.M. Predstavleniya, kul'ty, obryady u kazakhov. – Almaty, 1992. [Mustafina R.M. Representations, cults, rituals among the Kazakhs. - Almaty, 1992.]

49. Orynbekov M.S. Genezis religioznosti v Kazakhstane. Almaty, 2005. S.

240. [Orynbekov M.S. The genesis of religiosity in Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2005, 240pp.]

50. Pishchulina I.A. Yugo-Vostochnyy Kazakhstan v ser. XIY-XYIvv. - A., 1977. [Pishchulina I.A. Southeast Kazakhstan in mid. XIY-XYI centuries. - A., 1977.]

51. Ryskulov T.R. O vosstanii kazakhov i kirgizov v 1916 godu. – A., 1984.

[Ryskulov T.R. About the uprising of the Kazakhs and Kirghiz in 1916. - A., 1984.]



52. Suleymenov B.S., Basin V.YA. Kazakhstan v sostave Rossii v XVIII – nachale XX vv. – A., 1981. [Suleimenov B.S., Basin V.Ya. Kazakhstan as part of Russia in the XVIII – early XX centuries. - A., 1981.]

53. Tynyshpayev M. Istoriya kazakhskogo naroda. - Almaty, 1993.

[Tynyshpaev M. History of the Kazakh people. - Almaty, 1993.]

54. Toleubayev A.T. Relikty doislamskikh verovaniy v semeynoy obryadnosti kazakhov. - Alma-Ata, 1991. [Toleubaev A.T. Relics of pre-Islamic beliefs in Kazakh family rituals. - Alma-Ata, 1991.]

55. Muxammed Xaydar Dwlatï. Tarïx-ï Raşïdï. Almatı, 2003. [Muhammad Haidar Dulati. Tarikh-i Rashidi. Almaty, 2003.]

56. Orynbekov M.S. Genezis religioznosti v Kazakhstane. Almaty, 2005. S.

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57. Tülkibayulı K. Şejire. - Almatı, 2007. [Tulkibayuly K. Genealogy. - Almaty, 2007.]

58. Tursunbayev A.B. Iz istorii krest'yanskogo pereseleniya v Kazakhstane. – Almaty, 1960. [Tursunbaev A.B. From the history of peasant resettlement in Kazakhstan. - Almaty, 1960.]

59. Yudin V.P. Tsentral'naya Aziya v XIY-XYIIIvekakh glazami vostokoveda.

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Internet resources

62. . Otdel drevney i srednevekovoy istorii Kazakhstana.

http://kazhistory.narod.ru/ otdel_ dr.thml. [Department of ancient and medieval history of Kazakhstan].

63. Istoricheskiy server- Biblioteka. http://www. [Kyrgyz.ru Historical Server - Library].

64. Gosudarstvennyy muzey iskusstv Respubliki Kazakhstan im. A. Kasteyeva - http://www.art.nursatkz/page.php

[State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after A. Kasteeva].

65. Muzykal'noye naslediye Kazakhstana - http://musicheritage.nlrk.kz [Musical heritage of Kazakhstan].

66. Istoriya i kul'tura Kazakhstana - http://www.heritagenet.unesco.kz [History and culture of Kazakhstan].

67. The library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan https://elbasylibrary.gov.kz/en/news/code-nation-history-kazakh-khanate- book-collections-library-elbassy




69. Portal “Istoriya Kazakhstana” Портал “История Казахстана”[The portal

“History of Kazakhstan”].

Literature on the Section III (for the term paper №3)


1. Artykbayev ZH. Istoriya Kazakhstana.- Almaty: Tsentral'no-aziatskoye knizhnoye izdatel'stvo, 2007. 320s. [Artykbaev Zh. History of Kazakhstan. - Almaty:

Central Asian Book Publishing House, 2007. 320pp.].

2. Ayagan B., Auanasova A., Suleymenov A. Noveyshaya istoriya Kazakhstana: Krizis i raspad sovetskoy sistemy. I tom: Nauchno-populyarnoye izdaniye. Ser. «Letopis' nezavisimosti». - Almaty: TOO «Litera-M», 2011. [Ayagan B., Auanasova A., Suleimenov A. Contemporary history of Kazakhstan: Crisis and collapse of the Soviet system. Volume I: Popular science edition. Ser. "Chronicle of Independence". - Almaty: Litera-M LLP, 2011].

3. Ayagan B. Noveyshaya istoriya Kazakhstana. 2 tom: Vykhod iz krizisa/ B.

Ayagan; Auanasova A., Kudaybergenov R.- Almaty: TOO «Litera-M», 2011.

[Ayagan B. Contemporary history of Kazakhstan. Volume 2: Way out of the crisis / B. Ayagan; Auanasova A., Kudaibergenov R. - Almaty: Litera-M LLP, 2011].

4. Ayagan B. Noveyshaya istoriya Kazakhstana. 3 tom: Ustoychivyy Kazakhstan / B. Ayagan;Auanasova A., Suleymenov A.- Almaty: TOO «Litera-M», 2011. [Ayagan B. Contemporary history of Kazakhstan. Volume 3: Sustainable Kazakhstan / B. Ayagan; Auanasova A., Suleimenov A. - Almaty: Litera-M LLP, 2011.].

5. Istoriya Kazakhstana (s drevneyshikh vremen do nashikh dney). V 5-i tomakh. 3,4 toma. - Almaty, 2000, 2010 [History of Kazakhstan (from ancient times to the present day). In 5 volumes. 3.4 volumes. - Almaty, 2000, 2010].

6. Istoriya Kazakhstana. Kurs lektsiy. Pod red. K.S. Karazhan. – Almaty, 2012.

[History of Kazakhstan. Lecture course. Ed. K.S. Karazhan. - Almaty, 2012].

7. Kan G.V. Istoriya Kazakhstana: uchebnoye posobiye dlya vuzov. – Almaty, 2013. [Kan [G.V. History of Kazakhstan: textbook for universities. – Almaty, 2013].

8. Qazaqstan (Qazaq eli) tarïxı. – 4 tomdıq. 3 tom. - Almatı, Qazaq wnïversïteti, 2016. [History of Kazakhstan (Kazakh country). - 4 volumes. V. 3 - Almaty, Kazakh University, 2016. ].

Written source and investigations

9. Abylkhozhin Zh.B. Poststalinskiy period v istorii sovetskogo Kazakhstana:

chereda obrechennykh reform i nesostoyavshikhsya deklaratsiy (1953 - 1991 gg.). - Almaty: 10. Kazakhstansko-Britanskogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2019. 465 s.

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11. Abylkhozhin ZH.B. Ocherki sotsial'no–ekonomicheskoy istorii Kazakhstana XX veka. – Almaty, 1997. [Abylkhozhin Zh.B. Essays on the socio- economic history of Kazakhstan in the XX century. - Almaty, 1997.]

12. Akimbekov S. Kazakhi mezhdu revolyutsiyey i golodom. - Almaty: TOO

«Institut Aziatskikh issledovaniy», 2021. - 584 s. [Akimbekov S. Kazakhs between revolution and famine. - Almaty: LLP "Institute of Asian Studies" Publ, 2021. - 584 pp.]

13. Abdil'din S. Parlament Kazakhstana: ot soyuza k gosudarstvennosti. – Almaty, 1993. [Abdildin S. Parliament of Kazakhstan: from union to statehood. - Almaty, 1993]

14. Abzhanov KH. Formirovaniye i sud'by kazakhskoy intelligentsii // Mysl'.

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Ақпарат көздері


Thus, more than half (56 %) of the gross value added of industries producing consumer goods are generated by enterprises located in Almaty, Almaty region and South Kazakhstan

NURKATOVA Lyazzat Tolegenovna, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty,

NURKATOVA Lyazzat Tolegenovna, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty,

NURKATOVA Lyazzat Tolegenovna, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty,

NURKATOVA Lyazzat Tolegenovna, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty,

NURKATOVA Lyazzat Tolegenovna, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty,

NURKATOVA Lyazzat Tolegenovna, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty,

Atchabarova Azhar Aidarovna - Center for Physical and Chemical Methods of Research and Analysis of the Kazakh National University Named after al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan,