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Academic year: 2023

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Қазақстандағы CLIL аудиториялық тәжірибесіне тереңірек шолу жасау білім беру жүйесі мен мұғалімдердің оқушылардың әртүрлі білім беру қажеттіліктері үшін инклюзивті баламаларды қанағаттандыруға дайын еместігін және шет тілдерін еркін меңгеру қажеттілігін көрсетеді. Зерттеулер көрсеткендей, COVID-19 пандемиясы кезінде қашықтан оқытуға көшу CLIL пәндерінің лингвистикалық аспектілерінің азайтылуына немесе кейде алынып тасталуына және ерекше білім беру қажеттіліктері бар студенттердің сегрегациясының күшеюіне әкелді.


The initiative Trinity of Languages” has been the main priority and a strategically important task in the development of the education sector (Nazarbaev, 2012). The limitations of the present study are discussed and future research areas are also suggested in the final chapter.

Literature Review

According to their survey, a larger part of the participants supported the introduction of trilingual education in Kazakhstan. The results of Yeskeldiyeva and Tazhibayeva's (2015) study show that about 63.7% of the school and 67.6% of the students supported. the idea of ​​implementing CLIL programs in English in an educational context.


According to Van Manen (2016), a phenomenological study allows the researcher to get a grip on the "very nature" of the thing (p. 10), where. The researcher introduced the topic of the study, research purpose and its relevance, and asked the principals to invite the CLIL teachers to participate in the study on a voluntary basis. In the case of this study, the researcher could only get the relevant data from the CLIL teachers.

Due to the ethical aspects of the study, the participants were coded by assigning codes (P1 to P10). Permission to record was obtained by the participants at the beginning of the meeting. The purpose of the study and participants' rights were reviewed, and the researcher began the interview.

All names of individuals mentioned in the interview have been replaced with pseudonyms to ensure the anonymity and confidentiality of the study.


For example, P9 received 2 weeks of training in London, where the first week was devoted to teaching methods that P9 mentioned were "the same as we use in teaching in our mother tongue (Russian, Kazakh)". Participant P6: "The problem here is that my level of language proficiency is lower than that of some students." Participant P8: "My lack of English language skills is still a problem.". P7 noticed that there is a need to adapt the teaching methods according to the content.

As P7 mentioned: “Adapting the teaching strategies to the CLIL, depending on the details of the subject, takes a long time. The participants P5, P7, P9, P10 called this “requirement to use academic language” the most challenging for students, as it is different from the general everyday language and absolutely new for most of them. Another participant P6 admitted: "The short duration of online classes reduced the use of various elements of CLIL technology in the classroom." Participant P1 added that the diversity of activities to engage students has become more limited: “Some activities are not available online.

During traditional lessons, when the student is passive and "lazy", the teacher can engage her by sitting next to her, talking to her or holding her hands.


How do CLIL teachers in mainstream classrooms recognize diversity?

The participants in the current study acknowledged the diversity of their classrooms as all their students differ from each other in various ways and require a unique approach. Mainly, the differences that the teachers could observe were related to the level of the foreign language, active-passive participation, the quality of the academic performance and the level of interest in the subject, as well as the functional abilities of a student. The explanation for the frequency of these responses may be the dual nature of CLIL programs, where rates of language and content acquisition are dependent on each other.

The higher level of medium language of instruction can ensure a better understanding of the content and learning the content facilitates the development of language skills (Van de Craen, 2007). As reported by teachers, the quality of academic performance, especially the participation of shy students, is highly dependent on the student's confidence, interest and motivation to learn the subject. Other interviewee responses to the classroom diversity question included the presence of students with SEN, such as students with ASD, hearing or vision impairments, health problems, and allergies.

The participants agreed that the diversity of students in classes requires professional skills and willingness to alternate their methodology.

What challenges do teachers face while teaching in a CLIL classroom in

The teachers' responses support the conclusions of Pokrivçakova (2013) and Díaz and Requejo (2008), where the inclusion of the CLIL classroom was considered the weakness of the bilingual education policy according to the participants. As the researchers report, teachers perceive CLIL as inappropriate for children with HEARING because such students tend to fall further behind due to the complexity of the program. These findings and the findings of the current study may indicate that teachers do not expect low-achieving students to cope with the CLIL academic program.

However, Frizen (2018) called low expectations of underperforming students a part of the social mindset that needs to be eliminated to welcome inclusion in education. In 1978, Vygotsky (1978) mentioned the necessity of a cooperative learning environment to ensure the success of the educational process. Baikenov (2020), who investigated teachers' perceptions and challenges of updated curriculum implementation in Kazakhstan, presented similar observations.

This again shows how a lack of the methodological base and teacher training makes this process more time consuming.

What practices do teachers consider to be successful in accommodating diversity

The extent of benefits depends on how the combination of abilities is organized. For example, it was reported to be stimulating for motivated students and should be organized according to ability. The presence of a "critical friend", who is a peer with a higher level of academic performance, also affects the improvement of skills.

The interviewees provided some useful examples of the curriculum adjustments that the participants have encountered in their practice. Neary (1992) suggested some scaffolding practices for inclusive education in his book “Curriculum Adaptation for Inclusive Classrooms”. Consulting that book can be very useful in adapting CLIL policies to inclusive environments and the diverse needs of learners.

What special educational needs should be considered in CLIL programs to make them effective and responsive to the different needs of students.

What special educational needs should be taken into consideration in CLIL

Foreign language anxiety is a relatively new phenomenon in foreign language research due to the recent differentiation of the general concept of anxiety (Suleimenova, 2013; Zheng, 2008). It has been defined as the type of anxiety associated with the foreign language acquisition process and is a predictor of success in foreign language learning or learning in a foreign language (Horwitz et al., 1986; MacIntyre & Gardner. According to Horwitz et al. . 1986), experiencing a student's language anxiety when they lack confidence in their foreign language speaking skills.

In other words, foreign language anxiety could explain the low academic participation in content- and language-integrated learning among some categories of students, as can be seen from the present study results. As for them, the program, if it welcomes inclusion, should be designed in response to the needs of this category of learners. One teacher said that ASD students require extra attention and their tantrums can lead to a complete disruption of the lesson or theirs.

In general, greater attention should be paid to students' language preparation, their different personalities, their learning preferences, and their physical and mental abilities as these factors affect student achievement when studying using the methodologies CLIL.

How did the online educational format influence CLIL teaching in diverse

The current findings are also consistent with Anghel, Cabrales, and Carro's (2016) data on the interdependence of parents' educational background and their children's performance in CLIL. Accordingly, there was no progress in their understanding of the topic and no increase in their vocabulary bank. When Katya, one of the ASD students from P10, did not respond or otherwise interrupted the teaching process, the teacher started to worry about the other students, because they all deserve the teacher's attention and help.

Another observation was that passive students usually fall behind academically as they need more time to think about their answers, which is not available given the reduction in lesson time due to the pandemic. More assessment tools and tracking of student progress make it easier to regulate the academic pressure on students, as teachers can see if the learner has achieved the lesson objectives and can move on, or needs additional academic practice and support. To summarize, the teachers' practices and experiences of teaching CLIL in diverse classrooms indicated some strengths and weaknesses of the CLIL policy.

The findings of the study largely support the findings of previous literature on the topic of CLIL and diversity.


As the findings of the study indicate the relevance of the research topic, it is important that the phenomenon of CLIL inclusivity is further investigated. A larger sample will provide a better understanding of the challenges of CLIL in an inclusive environment. A large-scale survey involving a quantitative approach would complement the findings of the current study.

Insights into gifted and talented education: A synthesis of educational practice research. What aspects of CLIL do you find difficult for your students? What recommendations can you make to policy makers for the further development of the CLIL programme?

Талдау алдында біз сізге деректердің дұрыстығын растау үшін транскрипттің көшірмесін жібереміз. СИПАТТАМАСЫ: Біз сізді CLIL саясаты Қазақстандағы CLIL бағдарламаларын ұсынатын мектептердегі оқушылардың әртүрлілігін қалай ескеретіні туралы зерттеуге қатысуға шақырамыз. СИПАТТАМАСЫ: Біз сізді Қазақстандағы CLIL бағдарламаларын ұсынатын мектептердегі CLIL саясаты студенттердің әртүрлілігін қалай қолдайтыны туралы зерттеуге қатысуға шақырамыз.

Ақпарат көздері


The author keeps to the opinion that the objective Kazakh language has a content plan and analytical expression plans in the matrix of the Kazakh language, if these necessary constit-

Тура аударма әдістері бастапқы тілдің тұжырымдамалары мен құрылымын мақсатты тілде қолдануға болатын кезде қолданылады: Электрондық сөздіктерде қолданылатын әдістер Тікелей аударма