The research offers some recommendations for policy makers, as well as for the administrators of the school where the study was conducted. Through this study, we aim to contribute to the understanding of the role of value-based schools in shaping the future members of society from the perspective of parents.
Problem Statement
This study explores the phenomenon of parental perceptions of school-promoted values and understands why parents send their children to values-based schools. There is still no clear understanding of parents' perspectives on which values should be promoted in values-based schools.
Policy Context
Little is known about whether parents encourage the teaching of values in school or want values to be taught at home. Meanwhile, identifying parents' views on the values they want to be promoted in schools would provide clear direction on the type of values to be included in the curriculum and school activities.
Purpose Statement
Second, despite the importance and implication of policy, value-based education is not widely used in Kazakhstan country; only a few educational organizations carry out and actively contribute efforts to develop and strengthen the process of educating students with core values (Nazarbayev, 2012). Thirdly, there are no concrete values identified in extracurricular activities, and it has taken a central position in the development process of VBE.
Significance of the study
The aforementioned data include only a few examples of dangerous and alarming statistics in Kazakhstan's education and student system. According to the Conceptual Foundations of Education (Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019) in the near future, such alarming statistics will affect the health of the nation, its intellectual potential.
The purpose of this section is to identify a theoretical framework for the proposed study as well as to conduct a critical evaluation of the existing literature on values-based education and parents' views of values taught in schools.
History of Values-Based Education
Different authors have defined value education based on their views in the context of a certain time period and social situation. In the next section, I will review the role of value education in the formation of future members of society.
The Role of Value-Based Schools in Forming Future Members of Society
Values-based schools play an important role in educating students' values for at least three mandated reasons. In the next section, I will explore the attitudes and roles of parents towards the values taught in value-based schools.
The Role of Parents in Values-Based Education
I have studied the significance and importance of value based education in forming future social members of the society. The connections and mutual trust between parents and educators are also shown to improve when the school and the student's families work together (Henderson & Berla, 1994).
The Perception’ of Parents About Values Worldwide
In addition, the study conducted by Tay and Yildirim (2009) identified that 68 percent of the parents agreed that families should be responsible for the transmission of values, 24.3 percent disagreed and 7.7 percent indicated that both the family and the school must be. As a result, parents believe that families are primarily responsible for teaching values, and schools are secondary in instilling values.
This chapter describes the methodologies used in this study of parental perceptions of the values fostered in a VBE school in southern Kazakhstan. This chapter explains the overall research design, along with site selection and sampling procedures, data collection method and their rationale.
Research Approach and Design
Research site and participants
To gain access to the research site, I personally approached the school principal and explained the purpose of the study. As students from the selected school attend the school in Year 7, it was essential to evaluate the views of the Year 7 parents as they have a fresh perspective on why they chose the school and what their expectations are in the field of VBE. The heterogeneous purposive sampling strategy was used for the current study because it suits the small-scale nature of the study and allows the researcher to 'consciously select'.
Data collection method
During the one-on-one semi-structured interviews with parents, open-ended questions were asked to learn parents' attitudes towards values promoted in school and their perceptions about values (see Appendix B). Later, I moved the audio recordings from the smartphone to my own password-protected Google file. The detailed list of parental data used for research purposes and participant responses will be kept confidential in password-protected folders during the conduct of the study.
Data Analysis
Any information related to parents' participation will be kept for at least 3 years, leaving the data anonymous.
Ethical Issue
Only myself and my thesis supervisor will have access to e-documents and papers related to this research. When all data analysis processes are finished, according to the GSE ethics committee, the data will be stored in a secure location for three years and then deleted. I intentionally withheld the real names of the research participants, their children's names, and their ages, and this information is kept for analysis purposes.
All steps above were to prevent the possibility of any negative effects and to keep the confidentiality of the participants in the study (see Appendix A). The purpose of the study is to understand the parents' perception of values that are promoted among students within the VBE program in schools. The following themes emerged from the analysis of the interview data: (1) reasons behind the choice of the VBE school; (2) values promoted at the VBE school; (3) the importance of values to society; (4) the role of the VBE school in the education and upbringing of children; and (5) recommendation of parents to the VBE school.
The Role of School Psychologists in Career Guidance of Gifted Children
In addition to these reasons, most participants indicated that the main reason for applying to the VBO school is that their relatives or acquaintances also studied at the school. Another main reason behind choosing the VBO school in particular was the high quality of education provided by the school and the school's emphasis on values. If the student chooses the subject, the school fully supports the child's chosen field.
Values Practiced at the VBE School in the Perception of Parents
That's why we sent our children to this school". shared that the teachers visited their homes and created warm bonds between parents and the school. Meanwhile, the main goal of the teachers was to know the child, his life situation and his preferences better; for example, seeing the child's own room can reveal a lot of information about his character. Parents also noted that values taught to their children are practiced by the VBO school staff themselves.
The Significance of Values for Society
Balzhan) In general, the results revealed that, according to parents, VBE school staff are modest and polite and approach each child individually to guide and educate them. Therefore, neglecting the upbringing of children would materially and emotionally harm the parents' well-being in the future. The following topic will present parents' comments about the achievement of their desired values at the VBE school.
The Role of the VBE School in Children’s Education and Upbringing
Overall, the results indicated that values have a significant place in children's upbringing processes for parents and society, and that there are generational differences between today's parents and the past. Subsequently, they did not know how their children did at school in the various subjects:. An example of this is a strong professional in the same field at the school who invites specialists to the school to hold a seminar.
Recommendation of Parents to the VBE School
The parents' next suggestion was to adopt a consistent and systematic approach to teaching values in school. Parents say they don't want to go, but I think parents are important for a child, parents should be there, and parents should develop together with the child. In general, most parents have a positive attitude towards the VBE programs offered by the school.
The first section considers the perceptions of parents about values promoted at the VBO school, while in the second section I discuss the meaning of values for society and the role of the VBO school in children's upbringing and education. The concluding section summarizes the study and provides the implications and limitations of the study.
Parents’ Perceptions of Values Promoted at the VBE School
Moving forward, my main research question was about parents' perception of the values promoted in VBE schools. In the next part I will discuss the importance of values for society and the role of the VBE school in the education and upbringing of children. The importance of values for society and the role of the VBE school in the education and upbringing of children.
The Significance of Values for Society and the Role of the VBE School in Children’s
The VBO school used a variety of methods in educating parents, for example by inviting specialists and psychologists and organizing values-sharing hours for parents themselves. Apart from teachers, there is a need for an administration that can ensure the proper participation of teachers, students and their parents in the value education system (Lovat et al., 2009). To summarize, my participants believe the VBO school's role is crucial for society; it positively affects students' enthusiasm, a positive aura in the school, good and constant communication between stakeholders, and the participation of parents in school life.
Revisiting Research Questions
The VBE school is seen as playing a role in parents' education of children, and parents appreciate the values-based education their children receive. Additionally, the findings suggest that parents prioritize certain values promoted at the VBE school, such as humility, modesty, respect, patriotism, kindness, and dedication. In conclusion, the findings suggest that parents have a positive perception of the values promoted at the VBE school and appreciate the alignment between the values promoted at the school and their own values.
Recommendation for Policy and School Administrators
Policymakers and VBE schools should develop initiatives to provide training and support to fathers and encourage their active fathers. To monitor and evaluate the impact of VBE schools: Policymakers and VBE school administrators should implement regular monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to assess the impact of values-based education on children's outcomes, including academic success and behavior. This can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that the objectives of VBE schools are achieved.
Implications for Future Research
In conclusion, based on the positive effects of value-based education schools, as reported by parents, it is recommended that policy makers in Kazakhstan and the administration of VBE schools continue to prioritize and promote the value-based approach in education, promote a strong parent- school partnerships, provide training and support to fathers, offer professional support to parents, improve teacher-parent relationships and monitor and evaluate the impact of VBE schools to ensure the best possible outcomes for children's education and upbringing.
Parents believe that the values taught in school will have a lasting impact on their children's lives. The interview will discuss the reasons why you chose this school for your child and your views on the values promoted at the school. You will also help school administrators understand and gain a broader understanding of the values taught at the school, allowing them to deliver exceptional programs.
What would you suggest to the school administration for strengthening value based education in the school. This study will assist school administrators and parents in understanding and achieving a broader understanding of the values taught in school.