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- Research Problem
- Positionality
- Purpose of the Study
- Research Questions
- Significance of the Study
- Summary of Chapter
This chapter covered and justified the methodology of the research designed to examine parental choice of single-sex boarding schools for gifted children in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. One of the purposes that influenced parents to enroll in the local boarding schools was the academic qualities of the boarding schools.
Literature Review
Boarding schools, Student Motivation, and Performance
The website, world-schools.com, says there are about 700 such boarding schools in Europe. Additionally, such boarding schools are very popular in South Africa with 25% of schools (approximately 6,000) offering full boarding.
Parental Choice
Another important element that research has found to influence parents' choice strategy is parents' socioeconomic status (SES), as parents who are less educated tend to choose lower-class, non-middle-class schools (Alsuiadi, 2016 ). More recent research has also shown the role of school attendance rates (in contrast, chronic absenteeism; see Haderlein, 2022) and student discipline (Rohde, 2019) as important factors influencing parental choice.
School Academic Performance and Quality
Similarly, academic quality was mentioned by Rohde and colleagues (2019) as the most common element influencing parental choice in the article "Parental Reasons for School Choice in Elementary School: A Systematic Review". The systematic review revealed that academic quality was a prominent factor in approximately half of the 26 studies reviewed.
School Safety
The central phenomena in the study are the factors that influence parents' choice of single-sex boarding schools for their gifted children. The individual approach to the boarding schools mentioned by the parents could be considered the second most important factor.
Teacher’s Quality and Student-Teacher Relationship
School Reputation and Recommendations
The authors conclude that it is important for parents to "dig deeper" (p. 5) and explore the school environment. For example, Rohde (2019) found that it is a decisive factor for parents from high-income countries and one of the most frequent answers to questions about school quality among parents from low-income countries.
Other Factors Affecting School Choice
To obtain consent, the researcher went to the school and explained the purpose of the study. According to participants, the unique characteristics of teachers are one of the key factors they consider when choosing boarding schools for their children. Ved (2021) in the research "The Factors Impacting Parental Choice in Picking Non-Public Schools for Their Children" mentions the factor "school environment" as the most influential for parents in choosing a school.
Parental Preferences for Boarding Schools
Single Sex Education Schools
There were cases where some of the parent participants had no specific expectations of the boarding schools. Parents explained that the school's values played an important role during school selection. State and school politicians are recommended to use the research results for assessment of schools in connection with the Republic of Tatarstan.
Rational for Current Study
Conceptual Framework
In terms of the current study, it is assumed that parents make use of all available information available to them, including that available on websites and school policy documents. It is assumed that such information available to parents in Tatarstan will provide details of what the available choices were at the time of school selection. In the current Tatar educational context, it is assumed that school markets are open, fair and impartial (see assumptions for Rational Choice Theory, Bell, 2009), although this is not completely guaranteed and not yet fully explored.
Another parent described the benefit of the school environment created by selective enrollment in boarding schools. The discussion of the results was guided by the following two specific research questions: What academic and non-academic factors influence parents' school choice in the Republic of Tatarstan. The most frequent response from the parent participants to their choice of boarding school was value-based education.
Research Questions
RQ1: Why do parents in the Republic of Tatarstan choose boarding schools for gifted students.
Research Design
This last feature of the individualized approach typical of boarding schools in Tatarstan was not mentioned in the literature review and could not be found in the literature. Therefore, the findings of the Vigar-Ellis study agree very well with the findings of the current study. The main limitation of the research is related to the relatively small number of participants, who cannot represent the views of the parents of all boarding schools in the region.
Definition of the Central Phenomenon
Methods of Data Collection
The interviews are used to obtain detailed information from parents whose children are in the 7th grade, while the questionnaires help to provide basic information about the parent respondents. The interviews and questionnaires use open-ended questions as this approach is useful when trying to gain a deep understanding of the problem and to obtain and consider different points of view. The purpose of using adaptive person-to-person face-to-face interviews is to hear different views about parents' reasons for choosing the schools of interest.
Population, Participants and Sampling Approach
Typical purposive sampling is most appropriate here because the study aims to focus on persons or sites that are "typical" for those unfamiliar with the situation (Creswell, 2014). The purpose of using the aforementioned sampling method was to identify participants among typical parents of residences for gifted students. The protocols also include questions that help to elicit the opinion of parents about school choice and start with more general questions and end with more specific questions.
Data Collection Procedures
After completing the interview, all participants were given the opportunity to receive the findings. This provided the opportunity to hear more voices from the parents of the children, one of the priorities of this study. Most of the parents did not know the English language at all or otherwise spoke it poorly.
Data Analysis
25 were parents who traveled from other regions to collect their children at the end of the semester. Therefore, in line with Byrne's arguments, for the data analysis in the current study I have not completely followed the seven structured steps chronologically. The quality of the translation was also checked via a colleague who also speaks fluent English to ensure accuracy.
27 offered again to avoid any misunderstanding and to clarify the intended meaning of the answers. One of the factors that can create transferability is the possibility to use the findings in different contexts. Confirmability of the study means ensuring that qualitative data is checked and reviewed throughout the data collection process.
Ethical Concerns and Risks of Research
Bold descriptions were also used to provide readers with sufficient detail of the context in which the parent participants found themselves. By adopting such an approach, it was felt that any unrepeatable anonymous findings could be received and given sufficient consideration. For example, it was possible for a third party to overhear something someone said at length.
Chapter Summary
One of the reasons why parents decided to leave their previous schools and choose boarding schools was the individual approach. Parents from both cities emphasized the importance of student and catering services in student dormitories. One reason for this is that the boarding schools mentioned in the literature do not involve selection based on achievement and are often composed of students from rural and other cities.
The previous chapter provided a detailed explanation and rationale for the research design, methods and data analysis of this study. This chapter presents the analysis of the data that was collected from the one-to-one interviews. Each of the derived sub-themes for RQ1 and RQ2 is henceforth described in more detail and enriched with personal quotes from the research participants.
RQ1: Academic and Non-Academic Factors that Influence Parental School Choice in
- Individual/Personal Approach
- Qualities of Teachers and Their Relations toward Students
- Academic Quality
- Surrounding/Selection
- Single-Gender Education
- Accommodation and Nutrition
One of the reasons why parents decided to leave their previous school was the low levels of knowledge. 38 A negative atmosphere was one of the reasons why children had to leave the school they studied earlier. For example, one of the speakers noted that the growth of children happens in a different way.
RQ2: Parental Expectations of Boarding Schools for Gifted Students
- Non-Academic Expectations
- Academic Expectations
This factor was also another indication that non-academic factors are quite prominent among parents in the Republic of Tatarstan. The most frequent factors influencing parents' decision to support their children's enrollment in boarding schools were value-based and individualized education. More specifically, the study sought to identify academic and non-academic factors that influence parental school choice in the Republic of Tatarstan and what parents' expectations of boarding schools for gifted students are.
In the previous chapter, key findings from individual interviews with research participants were presented. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the main findings that were revealed during the data analysis process in relation to the literature relevant to the purpose of the study. Therefore, the purpose of this chapter is to answer two main research questions about parents' choices and expectations regarding boarding schools for gifted students in Tatarstan.
Academic and Non-academic Factors Affecting Parental choice
- Value-based education
- Individual approach
- Qualities of Teachers and Their Relations toward Students
- Academic Quality
- Surrounding/Selection
- Single-Gender Education
- Accommodation and Nutrition
The role of this is that the above factors of school values, individualization and student relationships can be further explored in the future. Some parents in the Republic of Tatarstan believe that one gender has a positive influence on the educational process. Therefore, accommodation and nutrition cannot be considered as the main reasons for school choice by parents in the current study.
Parental Expectations of Boarding Schools for Gifted Students
- Non-Academic Expectations
- Academic Expectations
Therefore, the current study extends previous literature by revealing what parents actually expect from school while their children attend boarding schools. Getting high exam scores and enrolling in the best universities would, from the parents' perspective, lead to their children's future success. The results of this research reveal the importance of boarding schools in meeting the non-academic expectations of parents, which appeared to be quite unique in the literature.
The current study aimed to understand which factors influence parents' choices when selecting boarding schools for gifted children.
Revisiting the research questions
The environment/environment, and aspects of accommodation and nutrition are highly valued by parents in the Republic of Tatarstan. The findings suggested that parents' expectations reflect the criteria by which parents selected the schools. In summary, the findings from the current study may help the schools of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, and other post-Soviet countries to reorient their main recruitment approaches to meet the needs and expectations of parents, especially non-academically related parents. needs and expectations, and make schools more attractive to families.
In addition, the voice of parents, especially the value they place on non-academic aspects of school education, should be considered and addressed in the reformulation of policy documents, school goals and procedures for evaluating school effectiveness. To motivate schools, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan may consider a broader focus on non-academic aspects. Therefore, such other schools can at least consider how important these factors are to the parents of their students.
Limitations and directions for further research
You will be asked a series of questions about your experience and decision to choose the lyceum where your child studies. I will try to avoid these risks: the interview will take place in a separate room and the password for the computer will be set. Although excerpts from the interview will be included in the final research paper, which will be available via the NU Report, your name and other identifying information will be kept confidential.
Second, your participation in the research will be of great importance to increase awareness of the needs of parents and to contribute to the development of effective strategies to work with students (your children) and parents of these lyceums in meeting the needs of students and family. Were there specific needs that were not being met before? Reason/P1) Do you think these needs will be met in this high school?