• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ



Academic year: 2023



Толық мәтін

In this issue you will also find an interview with our spotlight guest Patrick Duparcq, dean of the NU Graduate School of Business, who will share with us the school's current activities and plans. She will also return to her role as Trustee of Nazarbayev University, providing continued oversight of our university's strategic vision and growing reputation. Anne was a trustee of the British Association for Central and Eastern Europe, the Inter-University Foundation and the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences.

Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Business (NUGSB) mission is to develop the global business leaders, entrepreneurs and visionaries who will spearhead economic growth and innovation to help Kazakhstan become the leading economy of the region and a regional engine of the global to become economy. NUGSB's full-time faculty come from leading business schools of the world and are recognized for their expertise and scholarship. Today we interview Patrick Duparcq, Dean of Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Business, who will share with us the current and future plans of the School.

For example, our research entrepreneurship is unique in the country and internationally recognized as part of the GEM consortium. A student wants professors who are considered one of the top 25 gurus in the world, not just reading about them. RT: What are some of the "new frameworks of theory" that you hope GSB will contribute to.

Since then, almost 100 "national teams" from all over the world have participated in the project, which is increasing every year.


Exploring the Experiences of Female-Leaders in Civil Service of Kazakhstan

The Volkswagen Foundation is the largest private research funder and one of the most important foundations in Germany. In accordance with its statutes, the Volkswagen Foundation supports the humanities and social sciences, as well as science and technology in higher education and research through targeted funding. The Volkswagen Foundation sees a special mission in providing support to junior researchers and promoting collaboration between researchers across disciplines, cultures and nation states.

Another strong focus is on enabling structural improvements in education and research in Germany. Foundation goals are often T h e V o l k s w a g e n Foundation representatives met with NU faculty and researchers from all schools and research centers on April 19, 2016. There is currently one funding opportunity available for researchers based in Central Asia.

The funding initiative "Between Europe and the East - A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on Central Asia and the Caucasus" was set up to support either projects dealing with current local developments or structurally anchored in the region is.

Meeting with the Volkswagen Foundation

The UNDP delegation, led by Tuya Altangerel, Deputy Permanent Representative, suggested an Action Plan with a series of initiatives, such as the series of development reports, the Start-Up Competition "Innovation Challenge". The NU delegation, led by Loretta O'Donnell, Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs, has agreed to participate in the initiatives suggested by UNDP. A week after the meeting, the Office of Research Services in collaboration with representatives from all schools, the Astana National Laboratory and the Research and Innovation Systems of Nazarbayev University finalized the suggested action plan with additional initiatives from the NU side.

It was also decided to create a joint NU-UNDP council which will be convened twice a year. The collaboration on several projects has already started and Research Services Office plans to inform about them in the upcoming newsletters.

Meeting with UNDP at Nazarbayev University

One of the key events of the Forum was the exhibition of the results of research and development projects with great potential for commercialization. The participants of the event had the opportunity to present their latest projects to representatives of business and industry as well as representatives of development institutions.

International Forum “Science & Business”

Nazarbayev University 3 rd Annual Instructional Technology Showcase


Funding opportunities for UK-Kazakhstan collaborations under Newton - Al-Farabi

The Eurasia program supports cooperation projects between higher education institutions in Norway and Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The program is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and administered by SIU. Projects with two collaborating partners can be awarded up to NOK, of which a minimum of NOK 500,000 must be spent on student mobility.

Projects with two or more partners in participating countries outside Norway can be awarded up to NOK, of which at least NOK 600,000 must be spent on student mobility. For short-term projects (project The Norwegian Embassy in Astana has published three calls for applications for funding joint projects under the Eurasia program of the Norwegian Center for the Internationalization of Education. The applicant must be an accredited Norwegian higher education institution or an institution with accredited higher education programs.

The main partner must be an accredited higher education institution in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Ukraine. The main partner institution must offer educational programs at an equivalent level to that offered in the Norwegian applicant institution. Applications must be written in English and submitted fully completed, including attachments, through SIU's online platform for applications and reporting (Espresso), no later than the call deadline.

Eurasia Programme

Hurford Youth Fellows Program

Sustainable Water Partnership (USAID)

Call for Applications

New Funding Opportunities

How to write a grant proposal?

Tips for early-career researchers


It is better to express your idea in simple and clear language and avoid jargon terminology. Some criticism I received in my practice is that the proposal sounded too academic, not on a practical part. It is necessary to justify why your proposed research is important now (at the time of application) and what benefits it has for the policy-making community.

In the area of ​​public policy, you can show the proposed project's connections to current legislation and government priorities. Given that rejection rates are very high, you can try a few ideas several times before deciding they are not fundable and moving on. In this issue, we would like to share tips on how to manage your research channel from Dr.

Lebo, professor of political science and director of the Center for Behavioral Political Economy at Stony Brook University. A researcher's "pipeline" refers to the progression of articles from the idea stage to the publication stage. Lecturers and graduate students are often advised that busywork is the path to employment.

How to develop a large number of articles from their early stages to the pages of reputable journals. The system works by (1) breaking down the difficult task of publishing a paper into eight manageable phases; and (2) by organizing a set of documents using these steps according to a feasible timeline. Every fall, new tenured assistant professors are faced with the fact that they must publish a certain number of papers within five or six years or face being denied tenure.

By following the system, tenure track professors can create a weekly schedule of activities to monitor their overall progress. The article outlines points on work habits, discusses the division of a publication into eight stages, and offers advice on how to progress from one stage to the next. The points system for tracking progress is described along with other suggestions for managing one's progress through tenure.

Managing your research pipeline

Since its founding in 2011, Nazarbayev University teachers and researchers have published 675 peer-reviewed publications, indexed by Scopus, and been cited 1,465 times (source: Scopus, April 29, 2016). To provide you with more comprehensive information about NU's research performance, we have an In this month's issue, we are pleased to share an updated presentation about Nazarbayev University's research performance using the SciVal research solution. If you have any questions about the information provided, please contact Aiman ​​​​Temirova (email address: [email protected]), Manager Research Monitoring and Assessment, Research Services Office.

Research Performance Evaluation using SciVal

Google Alerts is one of Google's tools for keeping track of trends, interesting topics or something really new that appears on the web. We would like to present you with the latest alerts (since April 1, 2016 – May 1, 2016) about the published articles of our colleagues, so that you can keep track of NU research successes.

New Publications of Nazarbayev University


Congratulations to Professor Zinetula Insepov!

On behalf of the Nazarbayev University community, we would like to congratulate the recipients of grants from the Industry Academia Partnership Program.

Congratulations to the winners of the Industry- Academia Partnership Programme grants!

Talgat Nurgozhin, NLA & School of Engineering, received the IAPP grant to conduct joint research with MAST Carbon International Ltd, UK, within his project “A medical device based on activated carbon monolith. Vasilis Inglezakis, School of Engineering, received funding to build industry-academia links within the project with the InEU, Pavlodar, University of Brighton, and Bo-Na Ltd, Pavlodar. Nanomaterial machine for environmental remediation: deep decontamination of Bylkyldak Lake against mercury.”.

Zhanay Sagintayev, School of Engineering, received funding from the I n d u s t r y - A c a d e m i a P a r t n e r s h i p Program to carry out joint teaching and research activities in collaboration with Leica, UK and Kazakhstan Garysh Sapary within the project "Design and Development of the GNSS" to conduct research polygon, collaboration program of the Leica UK, Nazarbayev University and Gharysh Sapary, Kazakhstan.


Q&A Session on Horizon 2020 at NU

Eurasian Higher Education Leaders' Forum

21st International Symposium on Heavy Ion Fusion

18-22 July, 2016

Horizon 2020 Proposal Development Lab

2016 Budapest, Hungary

Conference on Gender and Excellence: the challenges are undiminished

June 21, 2016

Master’s degree in Subterranean Reservoirs of Energy

Application Deadline: June 1, 2016


Ақпарат көздері


The main research question for this study is: What are the stakeholders" expectations of NU engineering graduate employability skills for the current and future labor market?. The