He was named an Outstanding Graduate of the EECS Department at the University of California, Berkeley in 2009. All information about each region is located at the top right of the screen.
Research news from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Philippe presented the SNF /FNS project on June 15 at a conference he organized with the NU Faculty of Engineering and the School of Engineering of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). The goal of the summer school was to help dr. Social science students working in the Caucasus and Central Asia region are advancing their research.
Keynote Speech and Workshop at College of Engineering, Trivandrum (Kerala-India)
Graduate students and alumni at GSE completed the 90-minute workshop to prepare for their role as peer reviewers in the journal. As the future leaders of education in Kazakhstan, GSE students and alumni need the capacity to analyze and review research on education.
Research News from the Graduate School of Education
Topic: Paving the way of personalized medicine in Kazakhstan in the era of innovative technologies. In the framework of the AllergoOncology Task Force of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), Luca Vangelista, PhD, NUSOM Associate Professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, author of a Position Paper recently accepted for publication in the journal Allergy (free access at: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ .doi/10.1111/all.13311/full). Participation in the 3rd Conference on Personalized Medicine and Global Health (September 15, 2017, NU, Astana, Kazakhstan), with the speech "Human Microbiota Engineering.
Research News from the Nazarbayev University School of Medicine
This will be the second Asian Logic Conference, as its status changed from an ASL (Association for Symbolic Logic) sponsored meeting to an official ASL meeting by action of the ASL Council in May 2016. The first official ALC2017 was held in Daejeon, Korea. It contains the latest scientific developments in the fields of mathematical logic and its applications, logic in computing, and philosophical logic. The ALC series also aims to promote mathematical logic in the Asia-Pacific region and bring together logicians from Asia and elsewhere to share information and ideas.
Research news from the School of Science and Technology
It was the 1st Summer School of its kind organized at Nazarbayev University by faculty members of the School of Science and Technology, led by Professor Anastasios Bountis of the Department of Mathematics. Nurzhan Umirov (now a PhD student in a partner Chungnam National University, Korea), as well as with the involvement of the students of Nazarbayev University (Yerzhan Massalin, Yerzan Rzagaliyev) who contributed a lot of time and effort to the promotion of the project. The project is carried out under the supervision of Professor of School of Engineering Zhumabay Bakenov, the founder of the Institute of Batteries LLC.
Institute of Batteries LLC – a technological startup at Technopark NU
The project team produced a prototype of an electric drive, the main element of which is a lithium-ion battery, and integrated it into a standard mechanical wheelchair. Zhuldyz Assylova graduated from the master's program in engineering management at the Faculty of Engineering of Nazarbayev University and is responsible for the economic feasibility and business side of the project. All team members have different skills needed to successfully execute a project.
Research News from the Environmental Science and Technology Group
Development", which took place as part of EXPO2017 in the Italian pavilion on August 30 and 31, 2017. Insight into the complexity of mercury pollution in Slovenia was provided. Information on the hydrogeological environment and evolution of mercury in lake sediments is important for understanding the diversity and distribution of sources of mercury pollution in the area.
Research News from the Graduate School of Public Policy
Article on the implementation of public strategies in Kazakhstan by prof. Colin Knox was published in Astana. Kazakh Politics of National Identity Construction: Soviet Legacy, State Efforts and Social Responses” was published in Vol.50:1 issue of Cornell International Law Journal. GSPP is an active member of the Global Network of State Schools and Professor Knox has shared developments in state administration.
New Funding Opportunities
Interreg Central Europe - third call for proposals
Up to NOK 4 million in total is available for workshops and collaborative projects that advance the strategic goals of Svalbard Science Forum.
The Research Council of Norway - Call for proposals
EqUIP call for collaborative research on
Association Casa Famiglia Rosetta (ACFR) is a non-profit organization based in Caltanissetta (Italy) that has been operating since 1985 at national level, as well as internationally, with an integrated and global approach to disadvantaged people, through direct assistance and training of social operators, in international cooperation projects.
Through the MAB Young Scientists Awards, MAB invests in a new generation of scientists worldwide, because we believe that well-educated and committed young people are the key to tackling ecological and sustainability issues. The International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Program (MABI-ICC) adopted the new criteria and conditions for. The deadline for submitting application forms for the MAB Young Scientists Awards 2018 is December 15, 2017.
MAB Young Scientist Award
IBM PhD Fellowship 2018
UN Women National Committee Australia supports the work of UN Women by raising public awareness of gender and development issues. To advance our shared commitment to women's leadership and accelerate progress towards gender equality, the University of Sydney Business School and the National Committee for UN Women are pleased to offer the 'UN Women National Committee Australia MBA Scholarship'. Please review the conditions of award for the UN Women National Committee Australia MBA Scholarship.
UN Women National Committee Australia MBA Scholarship
Through education, women gain the knowledge to establish policies, services and resources to fulfill the UN's mission of gender equality and women's empowerment. Open to all women who meet the Master's admission criteria. Applicants are not required to apply for an MBA before applying for a scholarship, but only those applicants who are deemed eligible for admission to the MBA through the prevailing admissions process are eligible for an award.
A draft funding plan published on Monday proposes earmarking €111m from 2018 to 2020 for researchers looking to investigate the causes and effects of migration, with plans for a further €139m to be invested in research into "governance" issues, such as the rise of extremism in the Middle East and the Balkans, the strength of democracy and the future of the post-war order of international organizations. The intention, say the plan's authors, "is to address the concerns of European citizens regarding migration, the fourth industrial revolution and the challenges of governance." Other topics in the social research plan include illicit trade in cultural goods, the impact of technology on children and innovative approaches to cultural tourism - the latter to be coordinated with EU structural funds for regional development.
Additional funds will study the impact of digitalization on industry and society, in the so-called fourth industrial revolution. So far, the Commission has published five of the twelve draft work programmes, specifying how it plans to spend around €30 billion on research topics from 2018 to 2020. However, the specific nature of the themes that belong to the humanities and cultural sciences makes it extremely difficult to say exactly what is 'original new' or 'innovative'.
34;Original – isn't it?" New Options for the Humanities and Cultural Studies
Travel grants for SMEs and local authorities interested in Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5 (Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials) are now available. Strengthening the benefits to Europe of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) – establishing 'EuroGEOSS'. Resilience and sustainable reconstruction of historic areas to cope with climate change and hazardous events – actions build on the Copernicus Climate Change Service and the Copernicus Emergency Management Service.
Travel Grants for SMEs Interested in Horizon 2020 Climate Action – includes EO and
Tuesday 14 November 2017, Madrid, Spain – Spanish National Information and Networking Event for Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5 (please note that the information part of the event will be held in Spanish), supported by the Spanish National. It is therefore important that you are familiar with the participation rules for the Horizon 2020 program, and understand the priorities and themes of the Horizon 2020 Social Challenge 5 program - specifically the opportunities included in the 2018 funding calls. Horizon 2020 SC5 Contact Point for Northern Ireland: Caroline Barry [email protected].
Innovations Partnership Scheme (IPS)
Click here to go to the draft work program website or click on the links below. Societal Challenge 2, DRAFT work program published (Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy). Societal Challenge 6, DRAFT work program published (Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies).
H2020 draft work programme now available
They are intended as a guide to upcoming topics and you are strongly advised to view the final published work program when it is published.
Nazarbayev University’s New Publications
Promoting interdisciplinary research
PURE research management solution
In this month's issue, we are pleased to share an updated presentation on Nazarbayev University's research performance using the SciVal research solution. Since its inception in 2011, Nazarbayev University faculty and researchers have published 1,381 peer-reviewed publications indexed by Scopus and have been cited 4,132 times (source: Scopus, October 5, 2017). If you have any questions about the information provided, please contact Aiman U t e y e v a ( e m a i l a d d r e s : [email protected]), Research Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, Office of the Provost.
Research Performance Evaluation using SciVal
Staff at the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) often provide informal guidance to proposers. Most importantly, it is a project that will benefit undergraduate education and directly improve students' learning opportunities. While this guide can provide valuable information for proposal writing in general, it has been prepared specifically for programs in the Department of Undergraduate Education (DUE).
NSF Guide for Proposal Writing
Ultimately, proposals are peer-reviewed in panels composed of colleagues from science, mathematics, engineering and technology disciplines or related fields, and success in obtaining funding depends largely on the judgments of the reviewers and their written assessments . The best proposals are those to which the reviewers respond: "Sure, I wish I had thought of that!". As programs, priorities, technologies, funding levels and many other details change, the advice in this Guide will also change over time.
Congratulations to Dr. Yerlan Ramankulov!
Congratulations to Dr. Costas Valagiannopoulos!
Call for Fellowship Applications Centre for Global Cooperation, University Duisburg-Essen
The ERC program supports frontier science in any field of research and is recognized as one of the most prestigious funding schemes in Europe. It is not surprising, competition is significant and only the most outstanding applicants who are able to convince of the excellence and the breakthrough nature of the project are funded. Researchers of any nationality with 7-12 years of experience since completion of the first PhD are eligible to apply (be aware that this window may be extended by eligible career breaks, e.g. maternity leave, long-term illness or clinical training).
ERC Consolidator Grant Training
The ERC Consolidator Grant offers an excellent opportunity for researchers to further consolidate their independence, allowing those essential steps needed to achieve a long-term scientific vision.