This article presents the results of a study on the development of the professional competence of future educational managers. The author of the article proves the importance of the development of emotional intelligence in preschoolers. According to him, the preschool age offers great opportunities for the development of the emotional intelligence of preschoolers.
The main goal of the research was to determine the level of development of emotional intelligence in preschool children. The above indicators helped to determine the following levels of development of preschool children's emotional intelligence: high, medium and low. The question arises why serious attention is paid today to the development of the emotional intelligence of preschool children.
Scientists have revealed the essence of the above concept and its structure, the importance of the development of emotional intelligence in the formation of personality. The basic principles of the child's future personality are laid in preschool age, in this regard we tried to show the importance of preschool age in the development of emotional intelligence. For the successful development of the emotional intelligence of preschool children, it is necessary that loved ones create emotional well-being around the child.
Based on the above data, we have identified the levels of development of emotional intelligence of preschool children. The observation method was used for a purposeful, purposeful study of the level of development of emotional intelligence in preschool children. The results of the study will facilitate as a basis for the further development of a program for the development of emotional intelligence in preschool children.

The aim of the study was to identify the interdependence of the process of hardiness and psychological capital of the individual. It was found that the basis of the interdependence between the components of hardiness and psychological capital is the following characteristic features - the relationship between. In the course of the study, an unfavorable constant stressful situation is created for employees of a particular company.
Leontyev defines life resilience as a quality that is a characteristic measure of an individual's self-realization. These indicators are explained by the concept of "psychological capital", one of the new terms in the field of positive psychology. The main factor that influenced the emergence of the concept of psychological capital in general is research in the field of positive psychology.
The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between life hardiness and psychological capital. Based on the results of the conducted studies, we have come to the conclusion by presenting the following results. According to the 'Psychological Capital' test, 'optimism' is the defining component of an individual's psychological capital.
Thus, as a result of the given research, the interdependence of hardiness and psychological capital was observed. Therefore, the higher the life tone of the hardiness, the higher the components of psychological capital. The article presents the results of a study of the COVID-19 fear scale of high school students in the system to study anxiety in a pandemic.
A new understanding of the phenomenon of anxiety in the emergency conditions of a pandemic is clarified. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of fear leading to anxiety in high school students in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. To check the reliability (self-consistency) of the scale used, the Cronbach coefficient α was calculated.
World Health Organization: Statement for the second meeting of the Emergency Committee of the International Health Regulations (2005) concerning the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) [online]. The main basis for the development of studied readiness is the discipline of the module.

Theoretical Foundations of Mental Health Prevention and Suicide Prevention
Mental health prevention and suicide prevention 6 Types of factors influencing psychological health
Role playing is understood as a form of recreating the objective and social content of the future professional activity of a specialist, modeling the systems of relationships that are characteristic of this activity as a whole. Regarding the types of tasks, since in the current conditions, a future teacher-psychologist should be able to solve and model problematic situations that help solve the problem of the quality of the future specialist training for the preventive work of suicidal behavior in school students. In this regard, the following types of problematic tasks are of particular importance: 1) search game (aimed at the development of various types of thinking, creative imagination, etc.), for example, in the framework of the topic "Goal and objectives of suicide prevention", students were offered a series of creative tasks: watch videos (a video about bullying in.
On the topic "Ways to prevent suicide in adolescents" assignments were given of a searching, problematic nature: developing a training program for the prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescents. In the framework of the topic "Suicidal behavior of adolescents: types, features, characteristics" assignments for a search and research orientation were given: a) Identification of children of the "risk group"; b) Working with the family of a schoolchild who is in a difficult life situation or is in a crisis situation; For example, assignments to highlight the main diagnostic criteria for assessing the effectiveness of minors' adjustment; application of the suicide recognition technique, the technique of using different keys, the development of suicidality risk maps, the technique of diagnosing the subjective feeling of loneliness by D.
The most important condition for the process of preparing a future teacher-psychologist for work in the prevention of suicidal behavior is the pedagogical communication of students with children and their parents in the studied aspect, which is possible when students are involved in active practical activities in educational institutions and in the process of implementing active forms of education (communication training, business and role-playing games, analysis of pedagogical situations, etc.). In general, the special course presupposes a close connection with other psychological and pedagogical disciplines, it is a logical continuation of the formation of the positive attitude of students towards the considered aspect of pedagogical activity, knowledge and skills for its implementation, a kind of continuation of the development of the preparedness studied, which is carried out gradually from the first to the fourth course within the teaching of pedagogical disciplines, during the period of pedagogical practice and in extracurricular work; contribute to the generalization, systematization of students' knowledge and skills for the organization of preventive work for the prevention of child and adolescent suicides. Bearing in mind that in the conditions of a modern school, the psychological and pedagogical support of schoolchildren is organized and carried out by teacher-psychologists, we have developed a system for future specialist training for working with students with suicidal behavior.
The effectiveness of the training technology developed by us is ensured by a systematic approach to the training of a future teacher-psychologist, as well as by the phased implementation of this process, during which it is accompanied by diagnostics, correction and, therefore, ensures the effectiveness of her. Technology is represented by a combination of three blocks: a block of a pedagogical task, a content-procedural block, a block of pedagogical conditions, which allows us to represent the unity of the subject, the procedural and effective side of the professional activity of a teacher-psychologist Next. The result of the application of this technology is the formation of the readiness of the future teacher-psychologist to work with school students for the prevention and prevention of suicide by. that we mean integrative personal education, which allows effective interaction with other teachers, parents of students and specialists in the framework of the prevention of suicidal behavior of school students and is a combination of the following interrelated components: motivational-personal, educational-cognitive and active-practical.
The process of forming the readiness of a teacher-psychologist for the preventive work of suicidal behavior of students presupposes a gradual system of training students, which is based on taking into account the main pedagogical conditions in the unity of forms and methods of organization of this process: all possibilities of the educational process of the university; the introduction of special subjects in the curricula of higher education institutions, which contribute to the integration of special knowledge and technologies of preventive and corrective work; involving students in advanced experiences of practical activities, appropriate activities of a teacher-psychologist; orientation of university teachers to the formation of study readiness among students in the process of professional training. Thus, the developed technology is an effective mechanism of the system for forming the readiness of the future teacher-psychologist to work to prevent suicidal behavior of schoolchildren. This article was prepared based on the results of the research work within the project AP09259839 "Organization of the system of psychological profiling and correction of suicidal behavior in adolescents", funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.