• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

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Academic year: 2023

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Толық мәтін

Abdirov, Doctor of Law, Deputy of Majilis in the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan;. Tussupbekov, Ph.D. in Law, Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;.



На первый план выходит вопрос о «диссидентах», которые, пожертвовав собственной судьбой, подтвердили научные взгляды об освободительном движении 1837-1847 годов. Национально-освободительное движение в Казахстане XVIII-XX веков представляет собой единый исторический процесс: проблемы, поиски, решения.


Kusainova: Problems of the research methodology of the national liberation movement led by Kenesary Kasymov. Researches of the national liberation movement of the Kazakh people for their political independence and state sovereignty are one of the main spheres of state history.


Suleimenov: Application of the principle of good faith in branches of private and public law

The article analyzes and proves the principle of good faith that it is applied and should have an even greater application in civil law and in other branches of private law. Due to the opinion of the author, the fundamental inadmissibility of the application of the principle of good faith in public law, especially in tax law, is proved. Keywords: Good faith, Bad faith, fault, abuse of right, civil law, tax law, private law, public law.



Фамилии впервые появились среди крестьянского населения в XVI-XVIII веках. века, но окончательно они установились лишь после отмены крепостного права4. В основном известны исторические факты, когда в начале XIX в. Так, пункт 2 статьи 24 Международного пакта о гражданских и политических правах (Нью-Йорк, 19 декабря 1966 г.) содержит обязательное правило: каждый ребенок должен быть зарегистрирован сразу после рождения и должен иметь имя. 5 Международный пакт о гражданских и политических правах (Нью-Йорк, 19 декабря 1966 г.) – открыт для подписания, ратификации и присоединения 19 декабря 1966 г.

140-ФЗ «О внесении изменений и дополнений в Семейный кодекс Российской Федерации» // Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации от 17 ноября 1997 г., № 46, ст.


Bodrov: Means of an individualization of individuals: evolution and expansion of the sphere of their application in the conditions

  • ОсОБеннОсти услОвий вступления казахстана в втО
  • анализ Мер втО пО сОдействию тОрГОвле тОвараМи
  • приМенение нОрМ статьи XXIV Гатт 1994 к реалияМ казахстана как члена

VIII ГАТТ 199416. Следует отметить, что оно также требовало изменений для упрощения конкретных процедур, документации и сборов. XXIV ГАТТ 1994.22 Существование этой статьи позволяло не только Казахстану, но и другим членам ВТО выступать участниками региональных торговых отношений. XXIV ГАТТ 1994 г. важно отметить подтверждение необходимости повышения свободы торговли и устранения барьеров в торговле других стран.

Перед Казахстаном стоит задача (статья XXIV:8 ГАТТ 1994 г.) ликвидировать пошлины на территории ЕАЭС и обеспечить «практически такие же» пошлины для стран, не входящих в ЕС.

Ispenbetova: Legal and economic problems of the accession of Kazakhstan to the WTO

Более того, Казахстан, как развивающаяся страна, в рамках статьи XXIV ГАТТ 1994 года может предложить другим развивающимся странам наиболее благоприятный режим. Создание ЕАЭС и прямое участие Казахстана в качестве его члена изначально регламентировалось статьей XXIV ГАТТ 1994 года во время его создания. обеспечить региональную экономическую интеграцию, перерастающую в интеграцию в глобальном масштабе.




Например, в деле Angang Steel Co., Ltd v. Евразийской экономической комиссией коллегия Суда постановила, что при определении нормальной стоимости товаров учитываются общепринятые принципы и правила учета и отчетности, а также затрат. . Страны постсоветского пространства не остались в стороне от этих процессов, и в рамках Таможенного союза были сформулированы единые правила антидемпингового регулирования. На основе исследования авторы анализируют основные этапы и механизмы применения антидемпинговых мер во Всемирной торговой организации; определить основные признаки на основе сравнительно-правового анализа.

The article is devoted to the complex research of identifying the gaps in the anti-dumping legislation of the Customs Union compared to the requirements of the World Trade Organization.


Списание резервов под обесценение сырья» не подлежит учету, так как не оказывает влияния на определение фактических затрат на приобретение сырья и материалов для производства товаров. 15 К вопросу о продукции как предмета расследования по делу Graphite India Limited и HEG Limited против Евразийской экономической комиссии коллегия суда постановила, что в соответствии со статьей 2 АДС компетентный орган обладает широкими дискреционными полномочиями и правом самостоятельно определить, что относится к товарам, являющимся предметом расследования. 15 Решение Палаты Суда Евразийского экономического сообщества по иску компании Angang Steel Co., Ltd от 9 декабря 2014 года. За последние несколько десятилетий либерализация международной торговли привела к значительному сокращению многих форм традиционных инструменты протекционизма.


Moiseev: Nature of globalization and development of the international community

Representatives of various sciences: philosophers, economists and international lawyers, historians, sociologists, cultural experts, ecologists, geographers, representatives of technical science have not come to a common position on this socio-historical phenomenon. The article tries to show arguments in favor of the emergence of globalization due to the disappearance of the Soviet Union, that it corresponds to the concept of the "Golden Billion", that it has its positive and negative sides. The author is convinced that globalization is an objective economic phenomenon of the distribution of market economy principles in most countries of the world, but not a legal phenomenon.


Troshchinskiy: Legislative policy of China at the present stage

The characteristic legislative and regulatory laws of the People's Republic of China are provided, reflecting the specific features of the legislative work of the Chinese legislature. It notes the small number of laws passed in China, and the lack of a legislative codifying statute in the country's legal system. Particular attention is paid to the legislative policy in the field of liberalization of the death penalty institution, to the plan of the Chinese parliament on the adoption of legal acts that the country will need in the near future.

The specific features of the modern legal system are emphasized, including the ancient law of China, the law of socialist countries, and the applicable norms of international law, as well as the legislative systems of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.



Fink: Traffic accidents: reasons, prevention, protection of the victims

In the scientific article, the objective and subjective reasons and conditions that promote the commission of road accidents in the countries of Europe, Asia and the United States of America are analyzed and effective measures for the prevention of road accidents in these countries and the protection of persons who thereby injured is developed.


Valkova: Comparative research of the criminal law protection of life of judges, lay judge or the jury in Ukraine and the Republic

In the article, the author examines the criminal responsibility for affecting the life of a judge, people's evaluator or juror in connection with activities, related to the realization of justice, provided for in the criminal codes of Ukraine and the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purpose of general and expose special parts. Keywords: criminal liability, criminal defense, judge, evaluator, juror, close relation, justice, life, the rule of law, the Criminal Code.


Sаlkebaev: Conception of organized legal counteraction of corruption in the agencies of internal affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan

In the given article, the author defines the most priority directions of organized legal counteraction of corruption in internal affairs agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, included in a single concept. In each of the directions offered to the author, basic ideas are presented that require the realization and criterion of effective measurement of the events performed. Moreover, one author is a basic position, according to him, a minimum of changes is required at the legislative level, while the main part of the problems is concentrated in the field of wrong and ineffective organization of the activity of internal affairs agencies.


Belykh: Freemasonry: history, state and law

On the other hand, representatives of the privileged class and those with titles felt very comfortable as part of the lodges of Freemasonry. Against this background, in the opinion of the author, the leaders of Freemasonry were separated from the ordinary members - the Freemasons. Freemasons liked power and joined the structures of public administration in many countries of the world.

Keywords: Association of Freemasons, Masonic Philosophers, Freemasonry and Religion, Crusader Movement, Levels and Degrees of Freemasonry, Freemasonry Characteristics and Religious Practices, Modern Freemasonry and State Agencies, Collapse of the Soviet Union.


The author emphasizes that the history of Freemasonry is closely related to the state, religion and law, and numerous publications speak eloquently about this fact. The association of free masons was a guild (company of masons), built on a purely professional and artisanal basis. Later, their movement was transformed, the lines of masons were promoted by representatives of other professions.



Therefore, subject to the provisions of the Great Charter, indirectly, the monarch also submitted to the people. According to the philosophical-legal content, this document gave a definitive answer to the question: "Which should be supreme - the supremacy of the law or will of the ruler?". Moreover, as a result of such provisions, the Great Charter became the conceptual predecessor of the concept created for many centuries later.

Today, one of the most advanced ideas of the best way to ensure human rights is the concept of the rule of law.



The article contains biographical data, scientific achievements and achievements in the field of public service of the Doctor of Law, Professor A.M. The article also reflected the basic stages of his life, the contribution to the development of legal science in the field of labor relations.


Daulenov: The 2nd Asian Legislative Experts Symposium

This article is dedicated to the 2nd Symposium of Asian Legislative Experts organized by the Ministry of Government Legislation of the Republic of Korea, which took place in Seoul on October 29, 2014. The topic of the experts' discussion was the legislation of the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of information technologies and other related issues. Head of the Department of International Law and International Relations at the University of Humanities and Law of Kazakhstan, M.M.

Keywords: Republic of Korea, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Government Legislation, Asian Expert Symposium, legislation, legislation, information technology, protection of consumer rights, electronic government.


Orazbayeva: III scientific conference «Actual problems of the state and law»

The article represents review of the research and practical conference organized and held by the scientific research institute of the legal policy and the constitutional legislation of KAZGUU together with chairman of state and legal disciplines of KAZGUU. Research fellows, teachers of KAZGUU and undergraduate students participated in conference with reports on real problems of the state and the law. Keywords: KAZGUU University, scientific and practical conference, state, law, independence, legislation, protection of the rights of citizens, integration process, legal policy.


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