by Convex Structures on a Plane Weak Carousel rule
Madina Bolat
Supervisor: Dr. Kira Adaricheva Second reader: Dr. Rustem Takhanov
A thesis presented for MATH 499 Capstone Project
School of Science and Technology Nazarbayev University
Astana Kazakhstan
May 2016
Convex geometries are closure systems satisfying anti-exchange axiom with combinatorial properties. Every convex geometry is represented by a convex geometry of points in n-dimensional space with a special closure operator.
Some convex geometries are represented by circles on a plane. This paper proves that not all convex geometries are represented by circles on a plane by providing a counterexample. We introduce Weak n-Carousel rule and prove that it holds for configurations of circles on a plane.
1. Introduction
Convex geometries were studied from different perspectives and un- der different names since 1930. In particular, the theory of convex geometries was brought to attention by Edelman and Jamison’s sur- vey paper in 1985 ([7]). Convex geometries are interesting combinato- rial objects which generalize a notion of convexity on Euclidean plane.
There are many structures which share their properties. Some of them include convex objects in Euclidean space, convex sets in posets, sub- semilattices in a semilattice, path-closed subgraphs of a graph ([7]). It is crucial to understand the driving example well and find structural connections between the general example and other convex geometries.
The concept of convex geometries was generated by a geometrical ex- ample: a set of points on a plane with a special closure operator. This convex geometry is called affine convex geometry. It was proved in [8]
that every convex geometry is a sub-geometry of some affine convex ge- ometry inRn. This result answers a representation problem of convex geometries and proves an existence of some dimension of a space for a representation. Representation problem of convex geometries ([3]):
Problem 1.1. To find a universal class C of finite convex geometries s.t. every convex geometry is a sub-geometry of some geometry in C
We are interested in finding the smallest dimension of a space for a representation. Adaricheva in [1] proved that there is a property, namely n-Carousel rule, which restricts convex geometries not satis- fying it from being embedded in a space of a particular dimension.
Carousel rule was introduced in [4]. Using the result from [1], we know that for a particular dimension of a space, there are convex geometries that could not be represented by points in this space. Czedli in [5]
modifies a construction and uses circles on a plane for a representation.
It was shown in [5] that every convex geometry of convex dimension cdim=2 could be represented by circles on a plane. Convex dimension is a parameter associated with a convex geometry, a minimal number of chains needed to realize an alignment for a convex geometry (see [7]
for more details about convex dimension). There is a natural question following from this result concerning whether every convex geometry could be represented by circles on a plane ([6]). This paper disproves this conjecture by providing an example of convex geometry which is not represented by circles.
We are introducing Weak n-Carousel rule (2.9) which is a weakening of existing n-Carousel rule. We prove that a geometry of circles on a plane satisfies 2-Weak Carousel rule. We borrow example from [1]
which fails not only 2-Carousel rule but Weak 2-Carousel rule as well.
Therefore, it is not represented by circles.
To prove that a geometry of circles satisfies 2-Weak Carousel rule, we start with proving Weak Carousel property for triangles, which is a slight simplification of Weak 2-Carousel rule. We consider two circles inside a triangle and model their location by their projections on sides of a triangle. Thus, we transform a problem from considering positions of circles to looking at configurations of segments. We find that there are 216 possible configurations of segments which we reduce to 38 cases up to isomorphism. We dismiss some of these cases by proving that a location of circles with these projections is not realizable. For this, we prove a number of lemmas. We show that all other cases are possible for realization and in all these cases the property holds.
Section 2 contains main concepts and definitions. Section 3 describes existing representations of convex geometries. Example of affine con- vex geometry that fails Weak 2-Carousel rule is described in Section 4.
Weak Carousel property for triangles is proved in Section 5. The proof of Weak Carousel property for triangles requires a number of geometri- cal results which are stated and proved in Section 6. Weak 2-Carousel rule for circles is proved in Section 7.
2. Main concepts and definitions
Definition 2.1. Given any setX, a closure operator onXis a mapping ϕ: 2X →2X with the following properties:
1)Y ⊆ϕ(Y) for every Y ⊆X;
2) If Y ⊆Z, then ϕ(Y)⊆ϕ(Z) forY, Z ⊆X;
3)ϕ(ϕ(Y)) =ϕ(Y) forY ⊆X.
Definition 2.2. Pair (X, ϕ) is called a convex geometry ifϕis a closure operator on X with additional properties:
1)ϕ(∅) =∅;
2) if Y = ϕ(Y) and x, z /∈ Y, then z ∈ ϕ(Y ∪ x) implies that x /∈ ϕ(Y ∪z) (Anti-exchange property).
We could alternatively associate convex geometries with an alignment- a special family of subsets of a base set.
Definition 2.3. Given any (finite) set X, an alignment on X is a family F of subsets of X which satisfies two properties:
1)X ∈ F;
2) If Y, Z ∈ F, then Y ∩Z ∈ F
The following relationships between a closure operator and an align- ment could be easily checked ([7]):
Proposition 2.4. If ϕis a closure operator on a set X, thenF ={Y : ϕ(Y) = Y, Y ⊆X} is an alignment on X.
Proposition 2.5. Let F be an alignment on a set X. Define ϕ(Y) =
∩{Z ∈ F, Y ⊆Z} for every Y ⊆X. Then, ϕ is a closure operator on X.
Convex geometries could be defined equivalently through an align- ment:
Definition 2.6. Pair (X,F) is called a convex geometry if F is an alignment on X with additional properties:
1)∅ ∈ F;
2) if Y ∈ F and Y 6=X, then ∃a∈X\Y s.t. Y ∪ {a} ∈ F
Definition 2.7. Convex geometry G1 = (X,F1) is a sub-geometry of G2 = (Y,F2) if there is a one-to-one map f :F1 → F2 s.t.
1)f(A∧B) = f(A)∧f(B),A, B ⊆X;
2)f(A∨B) = f(A)∨f(B),A, B ⊆X.
Definition 2.8. A convex geometry (A, ϕ) satisfies n-Carousel rule if x, y ∈ϕ(S), S ⊆A, implies x∈ϕ{y,} for some a1,∈S.
Definition 2.9. A convex geometry (A, ϕ) satisfies Weak n-Carousel rule if x, y ∈ ϕ(S), S ⊆ A, implies either x ∈ ϕ{y,} or y ∈ ϕ{x,} for some a1,∈S.
Definition 2.10. Consider F = (X, chc), whereX is a set of circles in R2 and chc is defined as follows: chc(Y) ={z ∈X : ˜z ⊆ CH(∪˜y), y ∈ Y} for Y ⊆ X, where CH is a usual convex hull operator and ˜y is a set of points in y (˜z is a set of points in z, respectively). We call F a geometry of circles on a plane.
Weak n-Carousel rule defined in 2.9, now could be reformulated for a convex geometry of circles on a plane.
Definition 2.11. Consider F = (A, chc) a convex geometry of cir- cles on a plane with A = {a, b, c, x, y}. Then F satisfies Weak 2- Carousel rule if x, y ⊆ chc({a, b, c}) implies either x ∈ chc(y, i, j) or y∈chc(x, i, j), where i, j ∈S
To prove Weak 2-Carousel rule for circles, we simplify the rule and consider two circles and three points. We slightly modify the rule to have a geometrical formulation.
Definition 2.12. A configuration of two circles x and y and a set S of distinct points A, B, C is said to satisfy Weak Carousel Property for Triangles if x, y is in a triangle 4ABC implies either
x is in a convex hull of y and any two points from S, or y is in a convex hull of x and any two points from S.
3. Known representations of convex geometries We say that a convex geometry is represented by another convex geometry when it is a sub-geometry of the second one, i.e. there exists a one-to-one mapping from alignment of the first geometry to alignment of the second geometry preserving operations of meet (∧) and join (∨) (See Definition 2.7).
There are two types of representation. First, there is so calledWeak Representation. If we want to represent a convex geometry by a par- ticular class of convex geometries, we want to find a mapping from that convex geometry into some representative of the given class that is one-to-one and preserves closure operator (i.e. satisfies the condi- tion in ??). Second, there is Strong Representation. In this type of representation, a mapping must additionally be onto mapping.
The first universal class for a weak representation of convex geome- tries was presented in [3] by Adaricheva et al in 2003. The model for a representation was a class of infinite convex geometries defined on a Boolean structure of all subsets of some set X. Convex geometries from a universal class were of the form (2X, ϕ), where ϕ corresponds to an alignment comprising all algebraic subsets of 2X. It was proved that every finite convex geometry could be represented by an infinite con- vex geometry in the form of a lattice of algebraic subsets of algebraic lattices. It is a nontrivial construction which appears in many fun- damental concepts. However, structures from the representation class must be infinite. Although the result provides a representation for all convex geometries, the representation could not be done only for finite X. Therefore, the question of finding representation by a class of finite convex geometries was raised. Problem 1.1 asks whether it is possible
to find a universal class of finite convex geometries for a representation of convex geometries.
In 2005 Kashiwabara et al. proved that every finite convex geometry could be represented as a sub-geometry of a finite convex geometry ([8]). Universal class for this weak representation was in the form of affine convex geometries.
Definition 3.1. Affine convex geometry is a convex geometry
C0(Rn, X) = (X, ch), whereX is a set of points inRn andchis defined as follows: for Y ⊆ X, ch(Y) = CH(Y)∩X, where CH is a usual convex hull operator.
Every finite convex geometry could be embedded in some affine con- vex geometry in C0(Rn, X). Nevertheless, this representation may re- quire a high dimension of a space. Therefore, it is worth investigating the smallest possible dimension for a representation.
Adaricheva in [2] showed that some special convex geometries have this type of representation but with a lower dimension of a space. Refer to [2] for details.
Apart from finding the smallest dimension of a space for a weak rep- resentation, a question of strong representation is also of a great interest in representations of convex geometries. A question of which convex geometries could have a strong representation by affine convex geome- tries in Rn was raised by Edelman and Jamison in 1985 (See Problem 1 in [7]). The authors in [7] noted that such characterization prob- lem is considerably difficult. There is a partial result by Adaricheva and Wild in 2010 for a strong representation of convex geometries by affine convex geometries in R2 ([4]). Edelman and Jamison provide a representation of convex geometries by compatible orderings (See [7]
for details). There is a recent result by Richter and Rogers in 2015 that provides a nice geometrical visualization of the representation by orderings ([9]). It was proved that every convex geometry could be represented by a special location of polygons on a plane ([9]). It was shown in [9] that every finite convex geometry with a convex dimension cdim=k (a minimal number of chains needed to realize an alignment for a convex geometry) could be represented as k-gons on a plane. A geometry of k-gons with a special location and a closure operator was proved to be a convex geometry (See [9] for more details). Although this representation is a nice illustration of a strong representation, polygons may be non-convex, while we are interested in preserving the nature of convexity.
Czedli in 2014 generalizes a construction and instead of geometry of points defines a geometry of circles (2.10) and considers this geometry
for a representation ([5]). It was proved in [5], that geometry of circles on a plane is a convex geometry. By working with a geometry of circles, Czedli relaxes the construction of a geometry on a set of points because geometry of circles is not atomistic.
Definition 3.2. A convex geometry G = (X, ϕ) is called atomistic if ϕ({x}) = {x}for every x∈X
Affine convex geometries are atomistic since for any affine convex geometry G= (X, ch), any x∈X is just a point in Rn and ch({x}) = {x}. Geometry of circles on a plane is not in general atomistic. For a convex geometry of circlesG= (X, chc), it is possible thatchc({x}) = {x, y} for x, y ∈ X that describes a case when a circle y is inside a circle x.
If we consider affine convex geometries as a class for a representation of convex geometries, then we could strongly represent only atomistic convex geometries. But since convex geometries are not in general atomistic, we do not have a strong representation by affine convex geometries for all convex geometries. Therefore, a construction of a convex geometry by circles on a plane in [5] could be investigated for a possibility of strong representation.
The main result of [5] shows that every convex geometry of convex dimension cdim = 2 could be strongly represented by a geometry of circles on a plane. With a relaxed construction, now there is a natural question whether any convex geometry has a strong representation by a geometry of circles on a plane.
In this paper, we disprove this conjecture by showing an example of convex geometry that is not represented by a convex geometry of circles on a plane. We show that all convex geometries of circles on a plane must satisfy Weak 2-Carousel Rule. We demonstrate an example of convex geometry that fails Weak 2-Carousel Rule. Therefore, this convex geometry could not be represented by a geometry of circles on a plane.
We prove that a strong representation of convex geometries by ge- ometries of circles on a plane is not possible in general. Therefore, it is necessary to consider higher dimensions of a space. This leads to the following problem which was formulated by Adaricheva in [6]:
Problem 3.3. Is every finite convex geometry could be represented by a convex geometry of balls in Rn
4. Example of convex geometry that is not representable by circles
We borrow examples of convex geometries in this section from [1].
Consider an example of affine convex geometryG0 = (X,F0), where X = {a0, a1, a2, x, y} is a set of points on a plane as shown in Figure 1. Then, F0 =P(X)\{a0a1a2, a0a2x, a0a1y, a0a1a2x, a0a1a2y}.
Figure 1
Consider G= (X,F), whereF =P(X)\{a0a1a2, a0a1a2x, a0a1a2y}, which we get by adding {a0a2x} and {a0a1y} to the alignment F0 of affine convex geometry G0.
It could be directly checked that F for G satisfies the properties of alignments from Definition 2.3. Initial alignment F0 satisfies the re- quired properties since G0 is affine convex geometry. We add {a0a2x}
and {a0a1y} to F0. All subsets of added sets are in F and their inter- section is also in F. So, Gis indeed a convex geometry ([1]).
From [1],G= (X,F) does not satisfy 2-Carousel rule. It was shown in [1] that convex geometries failing n-Carousel rule could not be weakly represented by affine convex geometries in Rn. So, G could not be weakly represented by affine convex geometries in R2. Now, we show that G does not also satisfy Weak 2-Carousel rule.
Letϕ:X →X be a corresponding closure operator to the alignment F of G.
Then, x∈ϕ(a0a1a2) since ϕ(a0a1a2) =X.
ϕ(aiajx) = {aiajx}, fori, j = 0,1,2 ϕ(aiajy) ={aiajy}, for i, j = 0,1,2
Hence, G does not satisfy Weak 2-Carousel rule since x and y are in a closure of {a0, a1, a2} but x is not in a closure of any two from {a0, a1, a2} and y. Moreover, y is not in a closure of any two from {a0, a1, a2}and x.
We prove in Section 7 that a geometry of circles satisfies Weak 2- Carousel rule (Theorem 7.1). SinceGdoes not satisfy Weak 2-Carousel rule, G could not be represented by circles on a plane.
5. Weak Carousel Property for Triangles
Theorem 5.1. Every configuration of two circles and a set of three distinct points in R2 satisfies Weak Carousel Property for Triangles.
Proof. Consider two circles x and y in a triangle 4ABC. Circles x and y are projected on segments on sides of 4ABC. In the example in Figure 1, we are using notation, say, xBCB and xBCC , for edges of a projection of a circlexonBCwhich are closest toBandCrespectively.
Figure 2
There are six possible configurations of projections of x and y on each side of a triangle. We assign a numberi, that takes integer values from 1 to 6, to each configuration of segments on one side of 4ABC.
We illustrate configurations corresponding to values of i in Figure 18 in Appendix A. We assume that x1 and y1 in Figure 18 are first in ordersx1x2 and iny1y2respectively in a clockwise walk around4ABC, assuming that ABC is in a clockwise order.
We denote a configuration of projections of two circles inside a4ABC by Cjkl, where j, k, l are integer numbers that take values of i and denote a configuration of segments on sides AB, BC, AC respectively.
Say, example from Figure 2 isC546.
Six possible configurations for each side produce 216 possible con- figurations of projections of x and y for 4ABC. We reduce 216 con- figurations to 38 classes up to isomorphism. Say, C241 and C124 are isomorphic cases since they represent the same triangle with sides ro- tated clockwise. For every class Sn,where n is an number that takes integer values from 1 to 38, we associate configurations Cjkl out of 216 configurations that are isomorphic. Refer to Appendix B) for a full list of grouping 216 configurations in 38 classes.
Definition 5.2. We say a projection is later (earlier) than another, if in a clockwise walk around 4ABC (assuming that ABC is a clockwise order of vertexes) it is second (first) in order on a side of 4ABC.
In the example in Figure 1, xBCB is later than yBBC and xACC is earlier than yACA . It is clear that, say, for x to be in a convex hull of y and B, C, xACA must be earlier than yACA and xABA must be later thanyAAB. On the other hand, x is not in a convex hull ofA,B and y, since both xBCC and xACC are earlier than yCBC and yCAC respectively.
In the proofs below, we will not distinguish whhether these projec- tions are disjoint or overlapping.
1) Consider a class S2 when in a clockwise walk around 4ABC, projections of circlesx and y are in the same order, say, projections of y are ”strictly later” than projections of x (for example, yACA is later than xACA , and yCAC is later than xACC on AC). Figure 4 illustrates a configuration C222 as an example from a class S2. Take tangent lines to x, connecting the first edge point of each x-projection, which we meet when we walk around4ABC clockwise, with the opposite vertex of 4ABC (See Figure 3). Then circle x is inscribed into 4A0B0C0 formed by these three lines. It follows from assumption thatyis inside 4A0B0C0. Moreover, y should have points in each of three disjoint areas of4A0B0C0, whose union is4ABC\x. Then due to Lemma 6.4, the case is dismissed as impossible for realization.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Configurations from classes S9, S25, S38 are dismissed using similar argument.
2) Consider a classS13 when a segment of a projection of y is inside a segment of a projection of x on one side of 4ABC but a projec- tion of x is inside a projection of y on another side of 4ABC. Say, yBCB yBCC is insidexBCB xBCC and xACA xACC is insideyAACyCAC. Figure 6 illus- trates a configurationC234 as an example from classS13. Take tangent lines to x, connecting A with xBCB and xBCC (See Figure 5). It fol- lows from assumption thaty is inside4AxBCB xBCC . Moreover,yshould have points in each of two disjoint areas of 4AxBCB xBCC , whose union is 4AxBCB xBCC \x. Then due to Lemma 6.5, the case is dismissed as impossible for realization.
Figure 5
Figure 6
Configurations from classes S5, S12, S28, S31, S32 are dismissed using similar argument.
3) Consider a class S15. Figure 8 illustrates a configuration C135 as an example from class S15. Take tangent lines to x, connecting A with xBCB and xBCC (See Figure 7). It follows from assumption that y should have points in 4xACC BC and 4AxABA C. Moreover, y is inside 4AxBCB xBCC . So, y should have points in each of two disjoint areas of 4AxBCB xBCC , whose union is 4AxBCB xBCC \x. Then due to Lemma 6.5, the case is dismissed as impossible for realization.
Figure 7
Figure 8
Configurations from classes S17, S21, S22, S34, S35 are dismissed using similar argument.
4) Consider a class S10. Figure 10 illustrates a configurationC225 as an example from class S10. Take tangent lines tox, connecting B with xACA and xACA , A with xBCC , C with xABB (See Figure 9). Let AxBCC and CxABB intersect in a pointO. It follows from assumption thaty should be in4COxBCB . Moreover,yshould have a point in4xACA BxACC . Then, since O is not in 4xACA BxACC , due to Lemma 6.6 the case is dismissed as impossible for realization.
Figure 9
Figure 10
Configurations from a classS6 is dismissed using similar argument.
All other configurations satisfy Weak Carousel property. We il- lustrate realizations of non-dismissed configurations by representative from each of classes S1, S3, S7, S11, S16, S19, S23, S27, S29, S33, S37 in Ap- pendix C. Configurations from classesS7 andS8 are symmetric , so we could consider {S7, S8} as one symmetric class. Similarly, {S3, S4}, {S11, S14},{S16, S18},{S19, S20},{S23, S24, S26},{S29, S30},{S33, S36}are symmetric classes.
Thus, cases that are not dismissed are all realizable and Weak Carousel property for Triangles holds in all of them.
6. Lemmas
Definition 6.1. Leta projection point associated with a circle inside a triangle be an endpoint of a perpendicular from a center of the circle to a side of the triangle.
Consider arbitrary triangle 4ABC on a plane. Let g(rg, Og) be a circle inscribed in 4ABC with a center Og and a radius rg. Let G1, G2 and G3 be projection points of xonAB,AC and BC respectively.
Lemma 6.2. IfM1 is a point onAG1, then the largest circle associated with M1 and that is completely inside 4ABC is the circle inscribed in the angle ∠BAC with a projection point M1.
Figure 11
Proof. Let M0 ∈ AC s.t. M1M0 ⊥ AB. Centers of circles associated with a projection point M1 are on M1M0. Let m(rm, Om) be a circle with a projection point M1 inscribed in ∠BAC.
Suppose there exists a circle n(rn, On) with a projection point M1 that is completely inside 4ABC and rn > rm. Then On is in OmM0. LetN2 be a projection point of n onAC.
Let ∠BAC = 2α. Then∠BAOm =∠CAOm =α. Let ∠OmAOn = β. Then AOn = M1On/sin(α+β) = OnN2/sin(α −β). M1On = OnN2 = rn ⇒ sin(α+β) = sin(α−β) ⇒ β = 0. Hence, Om = On. But rn > rm implies that n is not completely inside 4ABC which contradicts our assumption about n. Therefore, there exists no such circle n.
Thus, m is the largest circle that is completely inside 4ABC asso-
ciated with the projection point M1.
Lemma 6.3. Consider arbitrary triangle4ABC on the plane. LetDr be the disc defined by inscribed circle with center O, whose touch point G1 ∈ AB and touch point G2 ∈ AC. Consider point E ∈ 4ABC that belongs to quadrilateral AG1OG2, but lays outside disk Dr. LetDr∗ be any disk with center F such that Dr∗ ⊆ 4ABC and E ∈ Dr∗. Then projection of F to AB belongs to AG1 and projection to AC belongs to AG2.
Figure 12
Proof. Suppose that radius of Dr is r. Then the radius of any disk Dr∗ ⊆ 4ABC, distinct from Dr, is r1 < r. We want to show that, for any pointF outside quadrilateralAG1OG2, the distance|F E|is either greater than r, or greater than r1, which is the distance fromF to one of the sides of triangle, hence, the disk with center at F containing pointE will not be inside 4ABC. Thus, the only possible position for F will be inside quadrilateralAG1OG2, hence, the projections ofF are as required.
Draw line (A1B1) parallel to (AB) and line (A2C2) parallel to (AC) through pointO. If pointF ∈ 4ABC is outside quadrilateralAG1OG2, then it is either inOG1BB1, in OG2CC2, or in triangle 4OB1C2.
For any point F ∈ OB1C2 and any point E taken in smaller angle G1OG2, in particular, in quadrilateralAG1OG2,∠EOF > π/2. Hence, by cosine theorem, |F E|>|OE|> r.
For two other possibilities of location of F, the argument is similar, so we consider only one. Let F ∈ OG1BB1. Take point F0 ∈ OG1, whose distance to line (AB) is the same as for F: in other words, line (F F0) is parallel to (AB), and|F0G1| ≤r. Then∠EF0F > π/2, hence,
|F E|>|F0E|. Connect a with O and take E0 ∈EO, which belongs to circle of disk Dr. Then ∠EE0F0 > π/2, hence, |F0E|>|F0E0|.
So, it remains to show that |F0E0| ≥ |F0G1| = r1, the latter being the radius of the largest circle centered at F0, which is inside 4ABC.
This would imply that any circle centered at F with radius > r1 will not be inside triangle, while |F E|> r1.
CasesF0 =O andF0 =G1 are obvious, so we assumeF0 ∈OG1 and 0< r1 < r.
Denote α=∠F0OE0 and use cosine theorem:
|F0E0|2 =|OE0|2+|OF0|2−2|OE0||OF0|cosα=r2+ (r−r1)2−2r(r− r1) cosα
= 2r(r−r1)(1−cosα) +r12.
Definef(r1) =|F0E0|2−r12, we need to show thatf(r1)≥0. Indeed, f(r1) = 2r(r−r1)(1−cosα)≥0, and we are done.
Lemma 6.4. Considerw=4ABC\g =wA∪wB∪wC, the complement of g in 4ABC, which is disjoint union of three areas (See Figure 13).
Then any circle y that contains a point in each of areas wA, wB, wC, is not completely inside 4ABC.
Figure 13
Proof. By 6.3, a position of projection points of circles that contain a point inwAis restricted toAG1andAG2. Similarly, inwBtoBG1, BG3 and in wC toCG2, CG3. Suppose there exists a circle y that contains points in each of areaswA, wB, wC and completely inside4ABC. Then y has projection points to AB in AG1, BG1, to BC in BG3, CG3 abd to AC in BC, AG2, CG2. Then, y has projection points G1, G2 and G3. Then, y is centered inOg and have points in wA, wB, wC that are disjoint fromg. But xis the largest circle that could be inside4ABC.
Therefore there exists no such circle y.
Lemma 6.5. Suppose p(rp, Op) is a circle inscribed in ∠BAC of a triangle 4ABC. Consider w=4ABC\p=w1∪w2, the complement of p in 4ABC, which is disjoint union of two areas (See Figure 14).
Then any circle y that contains a point in each of areas w1 and w2 is not completely inside 4ABC.
Figure 14
Figure 15
Proof. LetP1 and P2 be projection points of p toAB and AC respec- tively. Draw tangent lines CC1 and BB1 to p and let P3 and P4 be projection points ofp toBB1 and CC1 respectively. LetM be a point of intersection of CC1 and BB1.
Suppose there exist a circle y that contains some points E1 and E2 fromw1 and w2 respectively.
Case 1. E2 is in w2∩ 4ACC1.
Consider 4ACC1: y contains E1 fromw1, then due to 6.3, projection points of y to AB and AC are restricted to AP1 and AP2. If E2 is in C1P1P4\p, then projection points of y to AB and CC1 are restricted to C1P1 and C1P4. If E2 is in CP2P4\p, then projection points of y to AC and CC1 are restricted to CP2 and CP4. Then, from a similar argument made in 6.4, there exists no such circle y.
The argument is similar when E2 is in w2∩ 4ABB1. Case 2. E2 is in 4BM C.
Consider g(rg, Og) that is inscribed in 4ABC. Then E2 is either in 4BM C∩g or in area 4BM C\g.
If E2 is in area 4BM C disjoint from g, then Then, from a similar
argument made in 6.4, there exists no such circle y.
If E2 is in 4BM C∩g, then y intersect p in more than two points. It contradicts to two circles intersecting in at most two points.
Therefore, there exists no such y.
Lemma 6.6. Suppose s is a circle inscribed in ∠A1AA2 < π. Circle s divides ∠A1AA2 in two disjoint areas w1 and w2 (See Figure 16).
Then tangent lines to any point ofs bordering w1 and to any point of s bordering w2 intersect in a point outside the interior area of ∠A1AA2.
Figure 16
Proof. Let S1 and S2 be touch points of s with AA1 and AA2 respec- tively. Let P1 be a point on s that coincides with S1 at first. Let CC1 be tangent line to s at P1. If we move P1 on part of s bordering w1, then CC1 moves from a position of AA2 anticlockwise until it becomes AA1.
Let P2 be a point on s that coincides with S2 at first. Let BB1 be tangent line tos at P2. If we move P2 on part of s bordering w2, then BB1 moves from a position of AA1 clockwise until it becomes AA2.
Let points of intersections ofCC1 andBB1,BB1 andAA1,BB1 and AA2, CC1 and AA1, CC1 and AA2 be O, M1, M2, N1 and N2 respec- tively. Then position of point O moves on the line BB1 toward M2 until CC1 becomes AA2. Similarly O moves on the line CC1 toward N2 untilBB1 becomes AA2.
Then, O could not be inside interior area of ∠A1AA2.
7. Weak 2-Carousel rule for a geometry of circles on a plane
Theorem 7.1. Every convex geometry of circles in R2 satisfies Weak 2-Carousel rule.
Figure 17
Proof. Consider circles x, y that are in a convex hull of circles a, b, c.
be circles (See Figure 17). x, y ∈CH{a, b, c}
Draw tangent lines toa, b, cand denote point of intersection by A, B and C (17). Let wA, wB, wC denote disjoint areas as shown on the picture.
CH{a, b, c}=CH{A, B, C}\{wA∪wB∪wC}, sox,y∈CH{A, B, C}
We could use Theorem 5.1, forx, y, and a set of pointsS={A, B, C}.
By Theorem 5.1, eitherx is in a convex hull of two points from S and y, or y is in a convex hull of two points from S and x.
Say, y∈CH{x, B, C}. But y∈CH{x, B, C} ⇒ y∈CH{x, b, c}.
Therefore, either x is in a convex hull of two circles from {a, b, c}
and y, or y is in a convex hull of two circles from{a, b, c} and x.
8. Concluding Remarks
We demonstrated an example of convex geometry of cdim = 6 that fails Weak 2-Carousel property and therefore could not be represented by circles on a plane. This convex geometry fails 2-Carousel property, so it is not also weakly represented by affine convex geometries on a plane ([1]). Hence, we ask the following problem:
Problem 8.1. Is a convex geometry of cdim = 3,4 or 5 strongly rep- resented by a geometry of circles on a plane?
Since, we proved existence of geometries that are not strongly repre- sentable by circles in R2, we would like to consider higher dimensions of a space. Therefore, we ask the following question:
Problem 8.2. Is every finite convex geometry could be strongly repre- sented by balls in Rn
It is of interest to find some relationship, if such exists, between a convex dimension of a convex geometry and a dimension of a space for a representation.
Problem 8.3. In which dimension of a space, a convex geometry with cdim=k, k∈N has a representation?
9. Acknowledgements
I express sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Kira Adaricheva for the continuous support and sharing extensive knowledge in the field of convex geometries. Thanks to Dr. Kira Adaricheva for providing a shorter proof of Lemma 6.3. I would also like to thank Dr. Rustem Takhanov for being a second reader and giving valuable comments regarding the paper. I thank my collaborator Zhanbota Myrzakul with whom we were learning a theory of convex geometries throughout a year.
10. Appendices Appendix A
Figure 18 Appendix B S1 ={C121, C122, C112, C221, C211, C212} S2 ={C111, C222}
S3 ={C123, C142, C214, C231, C312, C421} S4 ={C124, C132, C213, C241, C321, C412} S5 ={C113, C131, C224, C242, C311, C422} S6 ={C114, C141, C223, C232, C322, C411} S7 ={C125, C162, C216, C251, C512, C621} S8 ={C126, C152, C215, C261, C521, C612} S9 ={C115, C151, C226, C262, C511, C622} S10={C116, C161, C225, C252, C522, C611} S11={C133, C244, C313, C331, C424, C442} S12={C134, C243, C324, C341, C413, C432} S13={C143, C234, C314, C342, C423, C431} S14={C144, C233, C323, C332, C414, C441} S15={C135, C246, C351, C462, C513, C624} S16={C136, C245, C361, C452, C524, C613}
S17={C145, C236, C362, C451, C514, C623} S18={C146, C235, C352, C461, C523, C614} S19={C163, C254, C316, C425, C542, C631} S20={C164, C253, C325, C416, C532, C664} S21={C153, C264, C315, C426, C531, C642} S22={C154, C263, C326, C415, C541, C632} S23={C165, C256, C516, C562, C625, C651} S24={C166, C255, C525, C552, C616, C661} S25={C155, C266, C551, C515, C626, C662} S26={C156, C265, C526, C561, C615, C652} S27={C333, C444}
S28={C334, C343, C344, C433, C434, C443} S29={C335, C353, C446, C464, C533, C644} S30={C336, C363, C445, C454, C544, C633} S31={C345, C364, C436, C453, C534, C643} S32={C346, C354, C435, C463, C543, C634} S33={C365, C456, C536, C564, C645, C653} S34={C366, C455, C545, C554, C63, C636} S35={C355, C466, C535, C553, C646, C664} S36={C356, C365, C546, C563, C635, C654} S37={C556, C565, C566, C655, C656, C665} S38={C555, C666}
Appendix C
Figure 19. S1
Figure 20. S3
Figure 21. S7
Figure 22. S11
Figure 23. S16
Figure 24. S19
Figure 25. S23
Figure 26. S27
Figure 27. S29
Figure 28. S33
Figure 29. S37
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