• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ



Academic year: 2023



Толық мәтін

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  • Introduction
  • Background information
  • Problem statement
  • Purpose of the study and research question
  • Significance and benefits of the study
  • Outline of the Thesis

The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev stated: "To create a science-based economy, first of all, it is necessary to increase the science potential of Kazakhstan" (MES & NAS, 2014, p. 3), where universities play one of the most important roles. The faculty is one of the main actors involved in promoting research in universities.

Literature review


Policy level/Environment

  • The Kazakhstani context
  • Research universities
  • Basic vs. Applied research
  • Common challenges with research at universities in KZ

However, in Central Asia, researchers in Kazakhstan have been the most productive in terms of the number of. It is not surprising that the government of Kazakhstan is trying to promote the development of the industrial sector, as seen in the State Industry Program.

Institutional level/Social

  • Soviet experience vs. Contemporary model
  • Cooperation

This may be one of the reasons for the lack of qualified researchers and suitable conditions for the development of research in Central Asia (Niyozov & Shamatov, 2006). One of UNESCO's recommendations in 2015 was to promote research cooperation among Central Asian countries.

Individual level

  • The concept of research
  • Faculty’s roles
  • Motivation

The first one is related to "compliance with academic requirements", which considers research as part of the work of an academic and involves a certain procedure of research (p. 24). It seems that universities have become obsessed with research and they see it as one of the most important opportunities to achieve top positions in the ranking system that requires the faculty to be more involved in research. The main focus of the fourth category is to bring benefit to society, which implies.

It is stated that conducting research requires components such as “human gifts of intellect, curiosity and skill” that encourage the researcher to explore and discover new ways to improve the well-being of people and society (Edward, 2012). , p.114). Participants in the Faculty Research Needs and Challenges study highlighted the following tools they need to conduct adequate research: “subject knowledge, colleagues, graduate students, data analysis, access to research materials, research design, skill sets, computing, data. ” (Monroe-Gulick et al., 2017, p. 783). One of the other roles that a professor plays in the modern world is that of an entrepreneur.

It is assumed that the most important factors motivating faculty to conduct research are funding and resources.


According to this study, the most important motivating factors for researchers to do research are curiosity, interest and commitment, which help them succeed in their research. In terms of recognition, a new discovery will enable a researcher to be recognized in his field, proving his/her personal achievement (Akerlind, 2008). Therefore, policy makers need to take this stimulus into account when addressing the issue of faculty motivation to do research.


  • Introduction
  • Research design
  • Participants
  • Instruments
  • Procedures
  • Data analysis
  • Ethical issues
  • Summary

Prior to the interview, the aim and objectives of the research were explained and consent forms, where they agreed to be audio recorded, were signed. The portfolio of the participants was viewed on the official website of the university, which their. Excerpts from the interviews were also translated into English and are included as part of the findings.

Minor changes were made to the English version of the excerpts to ensure language accuracy. It means that two stages of analysis were performed: "within-case analysis and cross-case analysis" (Merriam & Tisdell, 2016, p. 234). All participants before the interview were informed about the purpose and procedures of the study and were not deceived in any way.

Confidentiality was ensured as participants' names and department names remained anonymous and were replaced by pseudonyms.


  • Introduction
  • Individual perspective
    • The idea of research
    • Research process
    • Motivation
    • Faculty’s roles
  • Social perspective
    • Soviet legacy
    • Collaboration
    • International cooperation
  • Environment
  • Summary

Research is an in-depth investigation in a specific direction of a specific discipline; it is also your contribution to the field. Naturally, the importance of the practical application of research is understood, as this is seen as the way to solve existing problems in Kazakhstan. Conversely, it is a major distraction for teachers. frustrated when they have to collect this paperwork instead of focusing on the research process.

On an individual level, it is obvious that a faculty member must fulfill several roles to be successful in a university environment. Therefore, it is very important to do research to give students correct and up-to-date information. Due to the growing process of commercialization, many people think that it is okay to be an entrepreneur to generate profit for a.

It is interesting how Kazakh researchers overcome these challenges, as they have to submit project reports and ultimately achieve some result.


  • Introduction
  • Perceptions of research
  • Past vs. Present
  • Opportunity or Burden?
  • Policy vs. Reality
  • Summary

The reason for this could be that Soviet science was largely politicized, which occurred due to the totalitarian political regime (Niyozov & Shamatov, 2006; Friedman, 1969). Although a training program for understanding the commercialization process was established in the Law on "Commercialization of the Results of Scientific and Technical Activities" (Akorda, 2015), it seems inadequate in terms of the duration of the course and insufficiently focused on the development of specific entrepreneurial skills. The State Education and Science Development Program for the Republic of Kazakhstan 2016–2019 highlights bureaucracy as one of the problems for faster research development (MŠŠ, 2016a), but MŠŠ does not seem to be dealing with the problem effectively, probably due to a lack of trust.

One of the most important strategic documents in the higher education sector is the State Program on the Development of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the years MES, 2016a). The same question arises in the case of the State Program for Industrial-Innovation Development 2015-2019, as it is not clear how university faculty participate in this program implementation, which again seems to result in low interaction with the industrial sector. Overall, it is obvious that MES understands the existing problems of research in universities, but because the role of the main stakeholders, in this case the faculty, is not clearly specified, this may be one of the reasons why policy implementation is challenging.

The Ministry of Education takes care of the economic development of the country by promoting applied research and commercialization, but according to the findings of the faculty, research is carried out for personal interest or to bring benefits to society.



The idea of research

Nevertheless, it is seen that personal interest and intrinsic motivation can be strong factors in the faculty's willingness and persistence to do research despite the existing challenges. This leads to a certain mismatch with what is expected in the policies of the faculty. If the policy implementation starts from the bottom, and gives voice to the faculty to better understand their needs and challenges, it is likely that there will not be such a strong emphasis on the quantitative indicators, but the quality will be a priority as become faculty. will embrace these policies more positively because their views will be taken into account.



Policymakers need to consider the intrinsic motivating factors for faculty to conduct research and build a dialogue with them to address the challenges they face. For example, they can reconsider competitive funding system, bureaucratic research procedures in relation to public procurement and switch their focus from the quantitative aspects such as the number of publications and commercialized projects to a more qualitative aspect by providing support in learning English and. This research can also be useful for the private sector and industry because universities are eager to collaborate with them, but the problem is that this collaboration still remains at a rather low level.

This interaction can be mutually beneficial as the private sector can support universities in terms of financing and infrastructure. However, from the literature and findings it is clear that one of the reasons for the low applicability of university research results is the lack of entrepreneurial skills, which can also be addressed by the private sector by organizing some kind of workshops and training. Finally, this study could be useful for the faculty themselves, who can better understand the research and their research practices and become active participants in research promotion at universities in Kazakhstan.


Finally, the issue of the Soviet legacy was only slightly touched upon, which is important to study because it still has some influence on modern Kazakhstan. The impact of the national strategy for research and innovation on the economic development of a country. Otchet o realizatsii Gosudarstvennoy programmi razvitiya obrazovaniya Respubliki Kazakhstan na 2011-2020 gody [Report on the implementation of the State Program of Education.

Official Internet resource of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. MES (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) & (NAS) National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Information search in academic research: A study of sociology faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Если вам нужна копия стенограммы, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать. Вопросы: Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, опасения или жалобы по поводу данного исследования, его процедур, рисков и преимуществ, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с руководителем диссертации этого студента, доцентом Чанг Да Ванем, [email protected] Независимый контакт : Если вы не удовлетворены тем, как проводится это исследование, или у вас есть какие-либо опасения, жалобы или общие вопросы относительно исследования или ваших прав как участника, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с Исследовательским комитетом НУ ВШЭ, чтобы поговорить с кем-то независимым от исследовательской группы по адресу: П9: Ну, я всегда работаю со своими учениками…, я всегда говорю, что нужно быть и тем, и другим… и потом иметь возможность реализовать свои навыки для создания своего личного бизнеса, а не работать на кого-то каждый раз, на каждого свою жизнь, так что это обязательная составляющая, я думаю, да, это не всегда, не на 100% выполняется.

Ақпарат көздері


Серикбаева ШБиП, кафедра: МИ, специальность: 6М050700 - Менеджмент Магистрант: Рысбекқызы Айгерім, группа: 17-МБМК-1 АННОТАЦИЯ на магистерскую диссертацию на тему: «Повышение