Be sure to address all required information on the modification request form. Gifted students may not be provided the necessary facilities and instruction because of a lack of understanding or inappropriate perceptions of underachievement.
- Introduction
- Statement of the Problem
- Purpose of the Study
- Research Questions
- Significance of the study
- Outline
Research points to gaps in teaching practices and conditions that may not fully meet students' needs, as well as the existence of the phenomenon of underachievement among talented students. This research contributes to evaluating teachers' understanding and awareness of the phenomenon and the factors that influence students' academic performance.
Literature Review
Definitions of Giftedness
This model helps to identify the problem of teaching gifted and talented students, such as determining the internal and external factors that influence the maintenance and promotion of the abilities and talents as well as to eliminate the factors that contribute to the phenomenon. A clear understanding of the concept of giftedness allows for addressing student needs and explains the potential benefits and challenges of teaching gifted students.
Gifted underachievers
- Discrepancy Between Potential and Performance
- Discrepancy Between Predicted and Actual Achievements
- Promotion and Using Talent Potential
Consequently, in one case a child may be labeled as gifted, while in another case he may be transferred to the general school population. However, it is argued that most attention is paid to the predicted results without taking into account the factors that affect the students during the testing.
Identification of gifted underachievers
As a result, benchmarks and test scores are viewed as an integrated tool that measures the occurrence of underachievement. Nevertheless, it needs revision and adaptation, including the characteristics and values of the local society.
Factors Influencing Gifted Underachievement
- Individual Factors
- School-Related Factors
- Family Factors
As a result, gifted students' abilities to manage their behavior and emotions as well as evaluation of their abilities contribute to their success or failure in learning. In some cases, the low performance of gifted students is linked to a lack of motivation. To promote a nurturing environment and satisfy the needs of gifted students, it is necessary to identify these students and evaluate the effectiveness of approaches.
Despite the fact that gifted students self-regulate their learning process, unexpected negative outcomes can affect their motivation and further academic performance. One of the most important factors affecting student achievement is the inconsistency between the school curriculum and the academic needs of gifted students. Findings regarding the nature of boredom reflected the use of a teacher-centered approach and the content and difficulty level were not appropriate for gifted students.
Rimm (2008) stated that gifted students are more often labeled as underachievers if their parents are not involved or interested in the academic performance of their children.
Influence of Teachers’ Attitudes on the Academic Achievements
It was stated that parents' perception of giftedness influences ways of nurturing and developing a child's abilities in the home (Jolly & Matthews, 2012). However, this cannot be generally applied to all families, as parents' attitudes and goals for education and support for gifted students may vary despite nationality or economic status. As a result, children may feel stress, depression, aggression, despair and lose motivation and interest in education (Grubb & Long 2014).
It is clear that family plays a decisive role in their child's personality, so a family should be informed about how to support gifted students and communicate with them in order to contribute to the development of giftedness and talents, and preventing underperformance. Gifted students feel the extent to which the teacher is interested in their achievements and how they respect and value them (Glock, Kovacs, & Pit‐ten Cate, 2018). Conversely, underachievers may feel that the teacher ignores them during the lesson or does not provide appropriate support; therefore, students can change their behavior and attitude towards the teacher or subject (David, 2001).
A teacher's positive attitude increases students' interest in the learning process, motivation and academic performance, while a negative attitude can lead to failure, loss of interaction and cooperation with the teacher and possibly underachievement.
Reversing Underachievement
It is also necessary to identify the role models who can positively influence students' behavior and monitor their success. The final step Modification at home and at school is both the most complicated and beneficial stage as it provides support to meet students' needs. Passow, Mönks and Heller (1993) also insisted that appropriate curriculum develops students' abilities, increases the academic potential and activates their cognitive interests.
So there are many schools that have their own models and strategies to meet the needs of gifted students. The first level looks at students' varied interests; the next level aims to develop a student's thinking;. As well as the use of the Total Talent Portfolio, including information about students' interests and learning styles, is carried out at the school level through curriculum modification.
Based on this model, curriculum enrichment includes vertical promotion, such as skipping class, and horizontal promotion, which aimed to develop students' knowledge by providing high-level resources or organizing extracurricular activities.
Conceptual Framework
Consequently, the school should consider school values and the characteristics of gifted individuals when selecting an appropriate model or strategy (Passow et al., 1993). Social constructivism offers the opportunity to synthesize the data collected by the participants in relation to their experience and understanding of the central phenomenon.
- Introduction
- Research Design and rationale
- Research Site
- Sample and sampling procedures
- Data collection instruments
- Data collection procedures
- Data analysis methods
- Ethical Concerns and Risks of Research
- Conclusion
The vice principal has provided the list of teachers who have worked in the school for more than five years to select and recruit the interview. The interview included 11 open-ended questions that were designed to address the research questions of the study. The interview questions were developed in such a way as to make the participants think critically about their teaching experience and practice in relation to the research topic.
The researcher was able to focus on phrases and sentences that allowed interpretation and interpretation of the data (Saldaña, 2015). The researcher used the first column for interview questions, the second column was for the interview text, and the third column was for notes, including coding. In addition, the researcher will not mention the name of the school which is the place of research in the study.
The study participants could choose the language of the consent form and interview.

- Introduction
- Teachers’ understanding of the term underachievement among academically gifted
- Factors contributing to gifted underachievement
- Teachers’ attitude towards underachievement among academically gifted students 55
- Negative attitude
- Strategies teachers believe are useful to improve underachievement among gifted
- Personal experience
- International experience
- Conclusion
Teachers are able to observe and analyze student behavior and performance during class and then present their findings at teacher meetings. Mismatch between school curriculum and students' academic needs Almost 90% of respondents stated that the school curriculum does not fully meet the needs of gifted students. In the middle of the quarter or at the end of the year, the school administration shows statistics on the achievements of the students for different subjects.
Furthermore, it was assumed that the teacher could highlight the weak aspects of the students' assignments in front of the class or give negative feedback. According to the respondents, parental involvement can have both a positive and negative influence on students' academic performance. In contrast, high parental expectations and pressure can have a negative effect on the behavior and academic performance of gifted students.
Good relationships, encouragement and cooperation can be a root through which underachievement among academically gifted students is treated and reversed; .. the focus must be on the students' potential, success and abilities.
- Introduction
- Understanding of the term underachievement among academically gifted students
- Teachers’ attitudes towards gifted underachievers
- Strategies to improve underachievement among gifted students
- Conclusion
Furthermore, having a specific definition of the phenomenon promotes the development of standardized methods for identifying gifted underachievers in schools. One of the most influential factors determined by the teachers in this research is a discrepancy between the school curriculum and the academic needs of gifted students. The finding illustrates teachers' awareness of the mismatch between the school curriculum and the expectations and needs of the gifted population.
It was stated that all subjects are compulsory and this is the main reason for the underachievement of all students. The results of the survey show that 80% of the participants have positive or sympathetic attitudes towards gifted underachievers. However, the teachers stated that some of the teachers' international experiences could be transferred and implemented to improve their overall knowledge of.
The study demonstrates a shared understanding of the central phenomenon and the use of observation to identify outliers.
Summary of the study
Limitations and future research directions
Implications and Recommendations
Primary teachers' perceptions of the social and emotional aspects of gifted and talented education: Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Teaching and Learning degree at the University of Canterbury (Doctoral dissertation, University of Canterbury). An exploration of the psychosocial characteristics of high-achieving and identified gifted students: Implications for practice. Teachers' perceptions of underachievement among academically gifted students in a school in the East Kazakhstan region.
DESCRIPTION: You are invited to participate in a study exploring teachers' understanding and perceptions of the phenomenon of underachievement among academically gifted students, and teachers' views on how to improve issues of underachievement. The interview results will be stored and stored on the researcher's laptop, password protected, and access to the computer will be for the researcher only. The benefit that can reasonably be expected from this study is to analyze the experiences of working with underachievement, which will allow identifying the strengths and weaknesses of education and providing appropriate support to gifted students.
Also, the research findings are useful for further investigating the issue of underachievement by school staff in order to protect the school community from the expulsion of gifted students. Project Title: TEACHERS' PERCEPTIONS OF MAKING ACHIEVEMENT AMONG ACADEMIC ALL STUDENTS IN A SCHOOL IN EAST KAZAKHSTAN. Your responses will help to study teachers' perception of underachievement among academically gifted students and to study the experience of improving low academic achievement.