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Therefore, Nazarbayev (2007), the former president of Kazakhstan, proposed and envisioned the implementation of the Trinity of Languages project. Although trilingual education can support the country when integrated into the global cultural economy, it poses challenges in simultaneously strengthening the status of the state language and maintaining linguistic diversity, as a central goal of the national program is to preserve the Kazakh national identity (Nazarbayev, 2017) ) . Therefore, the study concludes by suggesting that policy makers and school authorities can introduce cultural projects and awareness activities to promote awareness among students to further strengthen and expand the role of Kazakhs.
Сондықтан Қазақстанның тұңғыш президенті Назарбаев Қазақстан халқын үш тілді: мемлекеттік тіл ретінде қазақ тілін, ұлтаралық қатынас тілі ретінде орыс тілін, шынайы тіл ретінде ағылшын тілін қолданатын жоғары білімді ел ретінде қабылдау керектігін айтты. дүниежүзілік экономикаға кіру.іске асыруға ұсынылған (8-тармақ).
These policies therefore provided the ground for the active promotion of the three languages – Kazakh, Russian and English. According to the former president, these schools are aimed at "improving the intellectual potential of the nation". Therefore, this has motivated the government to introduce various programs aimed at strengthening the status of the Kazakh language and increasing its use.
Furthermore, as Nazarbayev (2017) identified in the program "Rukhani Zhagyru", one of its key goals is the preservation of the Kazakh national identity. According to Smith (1991), language is an integral component of national identity and education is one of the main components in its establishment. Therefore, the preservation and protection of the language against foreign influence can be considered as it is the decisive component in the process of building a national identity.
Ultimately, the conclusion will be based on the summary of the findings, limitations and implications of the study.
Literature Review
Therefore, the scholar provides the key elements of the ethnic model of national identity, which includes “genealogy and presumed lineage ties, popular. However, some Kazakh nationalists who insisted on an ethnic conceptualization of national identity opposed the emergence of the combination "Kazakh nation" (Fierman, 2005, p. 395). Furthermore, as Norton and Toohey (2011) state, by increasing the value of language learners.
These results show a great influence of the medium of instruction on the national identity of students. The importance of the concepts of investment, imagined community and imagined identity was reflected by Norton (2013) in the study of Vietnamese immigrant Mai. The principle proposed by Baker (1992) can be applied to the case of the English language group.
Finally, the theoretical framework of the study, which is a post-structuralist theory of identity, is explained.
The quantitative data provides an overview of the relationship and correlation between variables, while the qualitative data allows further delving into the topic. Therefore, collecting the quantitative data creates a general and broader picture of the research. The survey is used to collect the quantitative data, while for the qualitative data semi-structured interviews are considered most suitable.
Participants for the surveys were selected based on the non-probability sampling, specifically the convenience sampling strategy. The recruitment of the participants is also on a voluntary basis within those who participated in completing the surveys. This enabled the researcher to determine whether the period of the study influenced students'.
The methodology of the research study is based on research that aims to explore the impact of trilingual education on students' Kazakh identity and their attitude towards the Kazakh language.
Survey responses provide an overview of the correlation and correlation between the following variables: character, national identity and national language. According to the results of the study, there was no correlation between the current variables (p= .25). Similarly, her identity was shaped as a result of the use of the Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
As a result, the students showed a strong appreciation for the national characteristics and defined the Kazakh culture as distinctive and unique. This showed their positive attitude towards the specific characteristics of the Kazakh person and Kazakh ethnicity in general. Accordingly, both Sara and Almas underlined this characteristic as the distinguishing feature of the Kazakh people's mentality.
Empathy as a positive side of the Kazakh person was also emphasized by Almira in the following quote: Perhaps the positive side of the Kazakh person is that it is customary not to leave your person. Nevertheless, the respondent emphasized the importance of that outdated mentality, as it is part of the Kazakh nation and its history.
Most respondents highlighted the conservative views of Kazakhs and gender inequality in Kazakh society. All respondents indicated the important role of national holidays and customs in their lives. Thus, based on the answers of the students, it turned out that this period was essential in the formation of the country.
In other words, their perception of the world changed without losing their sense of national identity. These figures are indicators of the current correlation between language skills in three languages and attitudes towards the national language. Ultimately, it was found that there was a positive relationship between proficiency in trilingual education and students' views of the national language.
In this excerpt, the respondent showed the prevalence of Russian and English in her education due to the limitations of Kazakh language resources.
Furthermore, the results of the current study are reflected in the study of the same authors Jahan and Hamid (2019), with English as MOI contributing to the. Since students' perception of the world and their attitudes towards many things have changed, it can be concluded that identity is not a fixed phenomenon, but rather a fixed phenomenon. One of the respondents shared her experience of hearing traditional music and dance.
The current study confirms the findings of a study on the use of school curriculum as a way to shape national identity in Czechoslovakia (Dobrocka et al, 2018). Another key finding is that one of the students emphasized the importance of period and context in the process of national identity formation. However, nowadays due to the country's national politics, it tries to maintain its national identity.
Moreover, the results of the study suggest that both ethnic and civic components are revealed in students' national identities. Students demonstrated the strength of their national civic identity through their belief in the country's prosperity (Laruelle, 2019; Sharipova, 2019), the desire to contribute to the country's development (Sharipova, 2019), its culture and language. Students shared their critical views about some aspects of Kazakh customs, traditions and mentality.
This confirms the close connection between investment and identity and the fluid nature of the latter. Students also shared their willingness to contribute to strengthening the role of the Kazakh language and read Kazakh literature. Therefore, he placed more emphasis on the improvement of the level of English, saying: "The Kazakh language should have been in the background.
A language shift and prioritization of Russian and English is explained by the position of the Kazakh language as less prestigious and "not associated with social success" (Terlikbayeva et al, 2021, p. 1). This includes discussing the global identities of students, the strength of their national identities and their language preferences.
New Kazakhstan in the new world: Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. Ultti zhoyudin tote zholy–kazakstandyk ult [The direct path to the destruction of the Kazakh nation – the Kazakh nation]. How do you think the promotion of English will affect the development of the Kazakh language?
There is no risk for the school, as all personal data of the students will be confidential and accessible only to the researcher. Therefore, participants may feel individual discomfort when answering multiple survey and interview questions. In this way, they will be guaranteed anonymity, confidentiality and untraceability of all collected data.
The entire research will be available on the NU Repository website and the copy of the research results will be sent to the school if necessary. The researchers clearly explained to me the background information and purposes of the study and what my participation in this study entails. Informed consent form for the director of the school.
There is no risk to the class, as all personal data of the students will be confidential and available only to the researcher. Therefore, they will be guaranteed anonymity, confidentiality and inviolability of all collected data. All personal data of the students will be confidential and accessible only to the researcher.
The entire research will be available on the NU Repository website and, if necessary, the copy of the results of the study will be sent to your child. The researchers clearly explained to me the background information and purposes of the study and what my child's participation in this study entails. The results of the research can help to understand the connection between identity and language.
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