• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

Scientific, public, and pedagogical activity of the Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Ardakh Rizabekovna Yermentayeva


Academic year: 2022

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ЕҰУ-ға 25 ЖЫЛ / 25 YEARS OF ENU / 25 ЛЕТ ЕНУ

IRSTI 15.01.79

Zh.K.Aubakirova1 M.D. Aurenova2

1L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

2S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan (E-mail: janat-anar@mail.ru, danara-07@mail.ru)

Scientific, public, and pedagogical activity of the Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Ardakh Rizabekovna Yermentayeva

Abstract. The article is devoted to the social, scientific and pedagogical activities of the famous Kazakhstani scientist, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor A.R. Yermentayeva.

The scientific novelty of the article is that it presents a scientific and theoretical analysis of the work of a scientist, the stages of the formation of a scientist as a person, and describes the contribution made to the development of science.

Thus, the article reflects not only the activities of the scientist, but also it shows the way in which the love of science, work and dedication can influence the development of science in general.

Keywords: psychologist, psychology, pedagogy, scientist, professor, development, science.

DOI: https://doi org/10.32523/2616-6895-2021-134-1-240-245 Received: 24.02.21 / Accepted: 28.03.21


As everyone knows, science never stands still, every day we see a large number of changes that occur with the help of scientists. Science itself would never have made progress if scientists had not invested in it their experience, knowledge and time which are the most invaluable resource of any person. It is difficult to imagine a world where there would not be a single scientist; there would not be that evolution about which we used to speak. Although there are a lot of worthy scientists-researchers in the world and it is very difficult to describe the invaluable contribution

that they make day after day, we would like to present in this article a Kazakh scientist who made a huge contribution to the development of domestic science.

Psychologist-scientist, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, winner of the grant “The best university teacher”, awarded badge “For contribution to the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” Ardakh Rizabekovna Yermentayeva ‘s scientific, public and pedagogical activity is closely connected with the development of psychology and pedagogical sciences. The scientist contributed greatly to the psychological science of the republic, her merits


in the development of pedagogical psychology, personality psychology, subject psychology, etc.

are infinite.

Formulation of the problem. Today, despite the development of social networks, the influence exerted by the media on the consciousness and subconsciousness of people is less and less showing and telling about those people who have devoted their lives to the science.

Thus, our society is increasingly faced with such a problem that they simply need to tell and show real examples of those people who contributed to society, who, despite different life situations, were able to find their way and became an example for others.

Research objective: to determine the basic principles of the works of A.R. Yermentaeva, to give a descriptive analysis of the main contribution to the science of Kazakhstan.

Research methods

There are used such reseach methoods as method of description, method of included observation and method of critical analysis.


Doctor of psychological sciences, Professor Ardakh Rizabekovna Yermentayeva was born in 1961. Her father, Rizabek Yermentayevich, as a prominent intellectual with a higher Moscow education in Soviet times, held positions at pedagogical, communist party and administrative leadership in the Markakol region of East Kazakhstan. Her mother, Gulzada Muktarovna, worked as a school teacher and a kindergarten teacher.

Ardakh Rizabekovna Yermentayeva studied at Boran school in the East Kazakhstan region in 1978 and graduated with a gold medal as the best student of the school.

In 1982, she met the expectations of her parents and entered the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute.

As a student, she participated in student scientific conferences, studied excellently and graduated with honors.

Ardakh Rizabekovna Yermentayeva studied at Boran secondary school in the East Kazakhstan region and graduated in 1978 with a gold medal as the best student of the school.

In 1982, she realized the expectations of her parents and entered the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute. As a student, she participated in student scientific conferences, studied excellently and graduated with honors.

In 1982-1989 she worked as a teacher at Boran secondary school in the East Kazakhstan region in the qualification of a teacher of “Mathematics”.

From 1989 to 2010 she worked as a teacher, senior teacher, associate professor, head of the department, senior researcher, professor at the Department of Psychology of East Kazakhstan State University, and she was the first who published practical works in Kazakh language in the field of Psychology, they were such as

“Fundamentals of psychological counseling”[1],

“Performing assignments in psychology during the period of pedagogical practice”[2],

“Psychological researches for teacher-trainee”[3],

“Psychoconsulting interview”[4], “Subject- oriented psychological training of students”[5],

“Psychological technologies for children”[6], etc.

and all of them were in Kazakh language.

From 1991 to 1995, she studied at the full- time postgraduate department at the Institute of Pedagogical Theory and International Studies of the Russian Academy of Education in Moscow. She was the first one from the Republic of Kazakhstan, who defended a thesis at the Dissertation Council of the Russian Academy of Education for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences on the problem of improving pedagogical communication through psychological training.

Organizational and leadership qualities of A.R. Yermentayeva were clearly expressed in 1998-2003, when she was the head of the department of psychology of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University and her name is directly connected to changes in the reform and implementation of creative ideas. She was the first one who initiated the opening of a department for teaching students in the Kazakh language in the specialty «Psychology», as a result of which


the contingent of students increased, and the number of specialists increased significantly.

She opened research centers, determined the direction of effective research and contributed to the development of a new direction in science.

Psychological research works of the psychologist-teachers Zh.K. Aubakirova, M.D.

Aurenova, A.Z. Tenkebaev,a K.D. Kanapiyanova, L.O. Baymoldina who studied under Ardakh Rizabekovna are distinguished by their uniqueness and comprehensive consideration of topical issues.

Results and discussion

The relevance of the given article lies in the fact that A.R. Yermentayeva’s scientific works and the process of her development as the scientist could be the great example to an younger generation of scientists.

She is one of the first to implement the psychological concept of the Republican project»

self-knowledge», which is being implemented under the leadership of the president of the children’s fund «Bobek» Sara Alpysovna Nazarbayeva, and also is a scientist who conducted a study in this direction. In this regard, Ardakh Rizabekovna took an active part in this field, considering for the first time the scientific and methodological internship of psychology teachers at the Higher Schools. Under the leadership of the scientist, a laboratory for the Republican project «self-knowledge» was created at S. Amanzholov EKSU, which was constantly highly appreciated.

In the International and national field of education and science, the scientific problems raised by Ardakh Rizabekovna, the scientific conclusions made, the conclusions summed up, the discoveries revealed at the theoretical and empirical levels are of great importance in the entire space of psychology, pedagogical psychology, and practical psychology.

Ardakh Rizabekovna organized and carried out a lot of responsible and extensive works for future psychologists, teachers, and researchers of the World Fund of psychology within the framework of the Republican Program «Madeni Mura». As a result, the world’s unique theories,

ideas, and concepts on Psychology were translated into Kazakh for the first time, and the 3rd volume of the most valuable 10-volume work under the title «Human intelligence treasure»

was published in 2005.

In 2008, she defended her dissertation at the dissertation Council of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for the degree of the Doctor of Psychological Sciences on the topic «Subject- oriented training of students» in the specialty

«Pedagogical psychology».

The scientific, pedagogical and professional activity of A. R. Yermentayeva is highly appreciated by the State: in 2009, she was awarded the badge «For contribution to the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan». In 2017, she was awarded the title of “The best university teacher”.

In general, the research works conducted by Ardakh Rizabekovna were widely spread in scientific centers and received positive reviews.

Their results will be were implemented into the educational process in a number of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, where such works as “Ethnopsychological features of the subject development of Kazakh people”,

“Ethnopsychological features of Kazakh people as subjects of cognitive activity-Ethnopsychology and Ethnopedagogics: scientific collection”,

“Features of unity of psychological concepts of Professor Kh.T. Sheryazdanova” were published.

From 2010 to 2013, she made a significant contribution to the field of pedagogy, working as a professor of the Department of psychological and pedagogical specialties of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Institute of masters and doctoral studies (Ph.D.).

From 2011 to the present she has been a member of the educational and methodological Association of the Republican educational and methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty 5B050300, 6M050300, 6D050300 – “Psychology”, and published works such as “Psychological training in the system of psychological education”, “Essential characteristics of teachers pedagogical communication”, “Ethnopsychological bases


of Kazakh peoples’ adherence to the subject culture in communication”, “Study of aggressive behavior in Psychological Science”, “Experience in organizing active educational activities based on the subject paradigm in psychology lessons”.

In 2013, she came to the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University by the invitation and currently holds a professorship at the Department of Social Pedagogy and Self- knowledge, and the Department of Psychology of the University.

From 2015 to the present, she has been a member of the Expert Council for Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences in the Committee for control in the field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

For the first time in Kazakhstan, Ardakh Rizabekovna identified and formulated the psychological conditions, patterns, mechanisms and ethnopsychological features of the subjective principles of youth development. Even today, the development of a person as a subject, the author of his/her life, the creator of affairs in society, is a very large, multifaceted issue. The research work of the scientist is successfully combined with the research work of students, Master’s degree students and Ph.D. students.

Due to the works of A. R. Yermentayeva, psychologization of the younger generation, that is, psychological preparation for its development as a subject, is being carried out in all educational institutions of our society, in all educational systems.

The scientist’s contribution to the field of subject psychology in Kazakhstan is boundless.

Through the systematization and analysis of theories related to this problem, psychological training, formed as a result of special goal- oriented psychological training, has been generalized and identified with a new content as a complex personality structure that is important for improving activities, relationships and updating the process of self-development.

According to the theoretical and experimental study of the genesis, structure, functions, trends and problems of psychological education of students in high school in Kazakhstan, there

was clarified the role of the subject direction in improving the effectiveness of psychological training of students.

Also, she was the first who made a great contribution to the study and implementation of the possibilities of creating and improving the system of subject-oriented psychological training on a theoretical and methodological basis, comprehensively analyzing the principles and approaches to the development of psychological training and subjectivity of the University students.

She was first in Kazakhstan to develop the concept of subject-oriented psychological training of University students by substantiating the features of level development of psychological training and subjectivity in the process of activity, communication and self-development. She analyzed that the demonstration of psychological readiness of students, depending on the degree of actualization of the subjective position, is carried out at the levels of psychological literacy, psychological competence, psychological culture, and there is an interdependence in the development of these levels.


Ardakh Rizabekovna’s professional skills and high level of activity, her exceptional thinking, ability to analyze industry problems and prospects, achieve concrete practical results made it possible for scientists, psychologists, teachers and science education of the country to develop.

In any case, there will be exceptional people who will unite the community and tomorrow will call on their country, focus on the history of the past and direct it to the future. They are distinguished by their humane character, remarkable leadership, exceptional talent, oratory and writing skills. Yermentayeva Ardakh Rizabekovna can be called such a person for modern Kazakh psychology.

The modern world requires modern approaches to the task, in the modern world we simply need leaders who have contributed to the development and improvement not only of science, but of society as a whole. For the


whole history of humanity, the world has seen a lot of scholars who have left their invaluable experience, knowledge, skills and abilities.

Scientists have always been considered as the driving force of society, due to which we can use phones, electricity, recognize ourselves and others, as well as infinitely self-improve.

Kazakhstan can be proud of its great scholars who have contributed to the development of various sciences, among them, an outstanding scholar as A.R.Yermentaeva, being the author of many unique works written in Kazakh language, she brought new ideas to Psychological Science.

Due to her tireless and huge work, she was first to open a specialization in Psychology, where students were trained in the Kazakh language.

The works of Professor A.R. Yermentayeva are characterized by deep analysis of psychological phenomena, novelty of ideas, unique talent in this area. Although the scientist studies general psychological problems, her works are distinguished by her reflections on Kazakh psychology and methods of identifying psychological phenomena, the path of development from the ancient roots of science to the present, comprehensive disclosure of the achievement of modern globalization.

In particular, the widespread in the republic concepts and technologies of a new formulation of methods, tools and forms of psychological training of students at the university A.R.Yermentayeva has a great influence on science.


1. Ерментаева А. Р. Психологиялық консультация негіздері: оқу құралы. – Өскемен: ШҚМУ, 2002. – 76 б.

2. Ерментаева А.Р., Богдан С.И., Тенкебаева А.З. Выполнение заданий по психологии в период педа- гогической практики: методическое пособие. – Усть-Каменогорск: ВКГУ, 2003. – 41 с.

3. Ерментаева А.Р., Богдан С.И., Тенкебаева А.З. Педагог- практиканттарға арналған психологиялық зерттеулер: әдістемелік нұсқаулар. – Өскемен: ШҚМУ, 2003. – 54 б.

4. Ерментаева А.Р. Психоконсультациялық сұхбат: оқу құралы. – Өскемен: С.Аманжолов ат. ШҚМУ, 2003. – 92 б.

5. Ерментаева А.Р. Студенттерді субъект-бағдарлы психологиялық дайындау: методология, теория, практика. – Алматы, 2008. – 410 б.

6. Ерментаева А.Р., Шерьязданова Х.Т., Аубакирова Ж.К. Балаларға арналған психологиялық техноло- гия: оқу құралы. – Өскемен: С.Аманжолов атындағы ШҚМУ, 2008. – 184 б.


1. Yermentayeva A.R. Psikhologiyalyk konsultatsiya negizderi:oku kuraly [Fundamentals of psychological counseling] (Ust-Kamenogorsk: S.Amanzholov EKSU, 2002, 76 p.). [in Kazakh]

2. Yermentayeva A.R., Bogdan S.I., Tenkebayeva A.Z. Vypolnenie zadanii po psikhologii v period pedagogicheskoi praktiki: metodicheskoe posobie [Performing assignments in psychology during the period of pedagogical practice] (Ust-Kamenogorsk: S.Amanzholov EKSU, 2003, 41 p.). [in Russian]

3. Yermentayeva A.R., Bogdan S.I., Tenkebayeva A.Z. Pedagog-praktikanttarga arnalgan psikhologiyalyk zertteuler: adistemelik nuskaular [Psychological researches for teacher-trainee] (Ust-Kamenogorsk:

S.Amanzholov EKSU, 2003, 54 p.). [in Kazakh]

4. Yermentayeva A.R. Psikhokonsultatsiyalyk sukhbat: oku kuraly [Psychoconsulting interview] (Ust- Kamenogorsk: S.Amanzholov EKSU, 2003, 92 p.). [in Kazakh]

5. Yermentayeva A.R. Studentterdi subekt-bagdarly psikhologiyalyk daiyndau: metodologiya, teoriya, praktika [Subject-oriented psychological training of students] (Almaty, 2008, 410 p.). [in Kazakh]

6. Yermentayeva A.R., Sheryazdanova Kh.T., Aubakirova Zh.K. Balalarga arnalgan psikhologiyalyk tekhnologiya:oku kuraly [Psychological technologies for children] (Ust-Kamenogorsk: S.Amanzholov EKSU, 2008, 184 p.). [in Kazakh].


Ж.К. Аубакирова1, М.Д. Ауренова2

1Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия Ұлттық университеті, Нұр-Сұлтан қаласы, Қазақстан

2С. Аманжолов атындағы Шығыс Қазақстан университеті, Өскемен қаласы, Қазақстан

Психология ғылымдарының докторы, профессор

Ардах Ризабекқызы Ерментаеваның ғылыми, қоғамдық және педагогикалық қызметі

Аңдатпа. Мақала белгілі қазақстандық ғалым, психология ғылымдарының докторы, профессор А.Р.Ерментаеваның әлеуметтік, ғылыми және педагогикалық қызметіне арналған.

Мақаланың ғылыми жаңалығы – ғалымның шығармашылығы мен тұлға ретінде қалыптасу кезеңдері- не ғылыми-теориялық талдау жасалып, сонымен қатар ғылымның дамуына қосқан үлесі сипатталған.

Бұл мақала тек ғалым іс-әрекетінің ғана емес, сонымен бірге ғылымға, еңбекке деген сүйіспеншілік және өз ісіне адалдық жалпы ғылымның дамуына қалай әсер етуі мүмкін екендігінің көрінісі болып та- былады.

Түйін сөздер: психолог, психология, педагогика, ғалым, профессор, даму, ғылым.

Ж.К. Аубакирова1, М.Д. Ауренова2

1Евразийский национальный университет им.Л.Н.Гумилева, Нур-Султан, Казахстан

2Восточно-Казахстанский университет имени С.Аманжолова, Усть-Каменогорск, Казахстан

Научная, общественная и педагогическая деятельность доктора психологических наук, профессора Ерментаевой Ардах Ризабековны

Аннотация. Статья посвящена общественной, научной и педагогической деятельности известного казахстанского ученого, доктора психологических наук, профессора А.Р.Ерментаевой.

Научная новизна статьи заключается в том, что в статье представлены научно-теоретический анализ работы ученого, этапы становления ученого как личности, а также описан вклад, внесенный в развитие науки.

Таким образом, данная статья является отражением не только деятельности ученого, но и того, на- сколько любовь к науке, труд и преданность своему делу могут оказать влияние на развитие науки в целом.

Ключевые слова: психолог, психология, педагогика, ученый, профессор, развитие, наука.

Information about authors:

Аубакирова Ж.К. – корреспонденция үшін автор, психология ғылымдарының кандидаты, Л.Н.Гу- милев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің әлеуметтік педагогика және өзін-өзі тану кафедрасы- ның қауымдастырылған профессоры, А.Янушкевич көш., 6, Нұр-Сұлтан, Қазақстан.

Ауренова М.Д. – психология ғылымдарының кандидаты, С.Аманжолов атындағы Шығыс Қазақстан университетінің психология және коррекциялық педагогика кафедрасының доценті, 30-шы гвардияшы- лар дивизиясы, 34, Өскемен, Қазақстан.

Aubakirova Zh.K. – Сorresponding author, Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor of the department of Social pedagogy and self-cognition, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Str. Yanushkevich, 6, Nur- Sultan, Kazakhstan.

Aurenova M.D. – Candidate of Psychology, Docent of the Department of Psychology and correctional pedagogy, S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, Str. 30 Guards division 34, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan.

Ақпарат көздері


Keywords: interdisciplinary integration, content of higher education, subject structure of scientific knowledge, logic and structure of formation of personality, complex

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R., grand doctor (Grand PhD) of psychological Sciences, associate professor, corresponding member of the Russian academy of Natural History (RANS), Academician of

Arpentieva M.R., grand doctor (Grand PhD) of psychological Sciences, associate professor, corresponding member of the Russian academy of Natural History (RANS),

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