• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

Model of formation of social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training


Academic year: 2022

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М.М. Knissarina1 А.D. Syzdykbayeva2 G.S. Zhumaliyeva1

1West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan

2Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Almaty, Kazakhstan (E-mail: uku_malika@mail.ru, sizdikbaeva-aya@mail.ru, gulmirasaiynkyzy@mail.ru)

Model of formation of social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training

Abstract. The article examines the process of formation of social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training (on the example of a regional university in Western Kazakhstan). The aim of the study is theoretical substantiation, determination of the level of formation and development of a model for the formation of social responsibility of students in the context of vocational training. The concept of «social responsibility» is analyzed, the components of its structure are determined. Based on the analysis of foreign studies by J.C.R. Sousa, F. Rosati, L. Jaejin S.L. Davis et al. Presented the genesis of this phenomenon. The levels of formation of social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training are substantiated:

intuitive, reproductive, active. A program for diagnosing the level of social responsibility formation is presented. The diagnostic results ascertained the intuitive-reproductive levels of the formation of social responsibility of students at the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after M. Ospanov. A model of the formation of social responsibility of students in the context of vocational training has been developed.

Keywords: responsibility, social responsibility, university students, professional training, a model for the formation of students’ social responsibility.

DOI: https://doi org/10.32523/2616-6895-2022-138-1-48-57


The historical experience of the development of human civilization clearly demonstrates that all the major social transformations that have ever been carried out have been successful to the extent that the leading forces of society, both organized and individual, have consciously and responsibly participated in them. Responsibility, manifested in all spheres of an individual’s life, acts as a criterion for evaluating his relationships and interaction with other members of society, the manifestation of his activities and its consequences in relation to society [1].

For modern Kazakhstan, in the conditions of the formation of the rule of law and civil society, a paradoxical situation has developed: on the one hand, the increasing influence of the globalization of the world has inevitably led to the expansion of individual freedom, independence and initiative, and on the other hand, the desire of the individual to assume responsibility only for his own actions, shifting responsibility for the ongoing changes in society to certain layers of it.

This indicates a crisis in the value system associated with large-scale egocentrism. In the behavior of an individual, both individually and in a group, striving to satisfy only his own


needs and interests, there is a disregard for other members of society, the elevation of his own «I» and the evaluation of the surrounding world through the prism of «mine» - «not mine»,

«profitable - not profitable». Thus, there is a narrowing of the concept of «responsibility», which is included in the system of values that determine both the spiritual and material aspects of human life and society as a whole.

Responsibility is perceived to a greater extent only as responsibility for the consequences of actions that contradict generally accepted rules and norms of behavior in society, losing their social purpose. But responsibility is not only a limiting factor of human behavior, but also a forming component of his activity in all spheres of interaction within society [2].

During the period of study at the university, professional socialization is an integral part of social responsibility, since one of the main criteria for the effective activity of a higher educational institution is the proportion of its graduates who are employed in their specialty. In this regard, the main task of the university is to prepare a graduate with a stable motivation and a civic position, ready to overcome difficulties in the

upcoming activities, certain professionally significant personal qualities and competencies, i.e. a professionally socialized specialist, thus, the current situation shows the urgent need to create a system of professional socialization of university students [3].


Let’s consider various theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of the concepts of «responsibility» and «social responsibility».

The issues of responsibility in the analysis of the problems of necessity and freedom are more or less covered in the works of B.P. Shubnyakov, E.M. Penkov, L.N. Kogan, G.E. Arefyev, A.K.

Udelov and others [4].

Issues of responsibility in the form of encouragement or punishment by the state were considered by: A.R. Kornilov, A.R. Lavrentiev, S.N. Kozhevnikov, V.M. Lazarev, D.A. Lipinsky, G.Y. Prokopovich, O.V. Shcherbakova, O.S. Ioffe, A.V. Dulov, M.A. Krasnov, B.L. Nazarov, E.V.

Chernykh, K.A. Novikov, V.A. Rybakov, A.S.

Bulatov, D.B. Bobrova, M.I. Braginsky, etc. [4].

Period, authors of ideas The essential characteristic of the approach Ancient times (Platon, Aristotle) The responsibility of a person for his actions.

Western European philosophy of the XVII -

XVIII centuries (T. Hobbes, J. Locke, D. Hume) For the first time, responsibility is associated with society (people’s compliance with laws).

Marxist Philosophy (Marx, Lenin) Social responsibility is connected with the idea of universal collective interconnection, universal emancipation.

The Soviet period (E.A. Anufriev, K.P. Buslov, N.A. Golovko, L.I. Grydunova, O.G. Drobnitsky, M.A. Markov, A.I. Orekhovsky, B.P. Tugarinov, L.V. Fedotova, A.F. Shishkin, etc.).

The rise of the Marxist paradigm. Further development and strengthening of the comradely discipline of workers and a comprehensive increase in its amateur activity and consciousness of responsibility.

End of XX - beginning of XXI centuries The essence of social responsibility is the idea of the relationship of a person with society and nature.

Currently Social responsibility is seen as part of global


Table 1 The genesis of the concept of «social responsibility»


Target component: Formation of social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training

Content component

Components of social responsibility

Social awareness Moral orientation Social activity Social independence Criteria of social responsibility

Cognitive knowledge of basic socially approved strategies of role behavior and norms;

knowledge of the content of basic social values and awareness of the personal and social significance of their norms

Motivational -value altruistic motives;

prosocial values and value orientations, social orientation of recognized responsibility


- based ability to take initiative and carry out socially useful activities in the educational space of the university and beyond; ability to assume additional responsibilities

Reflexive-predictive ability to foresee and predict the personal and socially significant consequences of their actions; ability to reflect on their own behavior, ability to empathy; the nature of attribution of responsibility

Procedural component

Holistic pedagogical process of the university Approaches

Axiological System Activity, etc.

Principles Ethical behavior

Compliance with moral norms, etc.

Methods game modeling active

web quest

practical situations, etc.

Pedagogical conditions

Introduction of the attribute into the graduate model - social responsibility

Integration of the phenomenon of social responsibility in the context of the entire Educational program

Mastering the course «Global Citizenship»

Creation of a unified socio-cultural environment of the internal life of the university for the involvement of students in socially significant activities

Evaluation and performance component

Result: the formation of components of social responsibility among students Levels of formation of social responsibility of students

Intuitive Reproductive Active

Figure 1 – Model of formation of social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training


The results of the study of social responsibility as a factor determining the relationship of individuals within society are presented in the works of B.G. Afanasyev, A.P. Burenko, A.I.

Orekhovsky, A.F. Plahotny, V.I. Speransky, S.V.

Karpukhin and others [4].

The works of I.Yu. Novichkova, A.S. Gayazov, E.S. Kazakov, M.V. Nikolaev, G.Ya. Grevtsova, V.N. Lukin, S.P. Akunina, I.M. Duranov, M.M.

Plotkin, T.P. Skrebtsov, M.O. Antonova, A.T.

Kozhokar and others are devoted to the socio- pedagogical aspects of the upbringing of social responsibility among the younger generation [4].

Let’s consider the genesis and define the essence of the concept of «social responsibility»

[5-9] (Table 1).

Within the framework of this study, the student’s social responsibility is defined as an integrative quality of personality, expressing

her attitude to her own actions and their consequences, assuming the assimilation of existing and socially approved norms and rules of society, the appropriation of spiritual and moral values, the performance of direct educational and professional duties, as well as reflection on the results of her activities (Figure 1).

The structure of students’ social responsibility includes cognitive, motivational-value, active and reflexive-prognostic components with appropriate criteria, indicators and a set of diagnostic techniques [10] (Table 2).

Levels of formation of social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training: intuitive, reproductive, active [11].

Active level of formation of social responsibility of the student - demonstrates a high level of knowledge of social norms accepted in society, considers responsibility as a priority

Component Criteria Indicators Diagnostic methods


awareness Cognitive knowledge about basic socially approved strategies of role behavior and norms; knowledge about the content of basic social values and awareness of the personal and social significance of their norms.

Method of diagnosing the level of subjective control of J. Rotter.

Questionnaire «Ideas about social responsibility».


orientation Motivational

and value altruistic motives; prosocial values and value orientations, social orientation of recognized responsibility.

Method «Motivational structure of personality» (V.E.


Social activity Activity the ability to take initiative and carry out socially useful activities in the educational space of the university and beyond; the ability to assume additional responsibilities.

Method «The ability of self-government» (N.M.



independence Reflexive-

prognostic the ability to foresee and predict the personal and socially significant consequences of their actions;

the ability to reflect on their own behavior, the ability to empathy;

the nature of attribution of responsibility.

Method «The ability to empathy» (A. Mehrabien and N. Epstein).

Table 2 The content of diagnostic technology for studying students’ social responsibility

in the conditions of vocational training at the university


property of the individual at the present stage, is capable of taking initiative and carrying out socially useful activities in the university and beyond; is able to predict personal and socially significant consequences not only of his actions;

a high level of reflection and empathy.

The reproductive level of the student’s social responsibility formation - demonstrates knowledge of social norms accepted in society, however, shows a sense of initiative and responsibility only when motivated to work by third parties (for example, a tutor); is able

to predict the personal and socially significant consequences of their actions based on a template.

The intuitive level of formation of the student’s social responsibility demonstrates unsystematic knowledge of social norms accepted in society:

the sense of responsibility is unstable, temporary, depends on mood and circumstances, most often manifests itself in situational self-control over activities, does not consider himself capable of making decisions, taking responsibility for possible consequences, low level of reflection and empathy.

Table 3 Descriptive statistics of all groups

Table 4 Descriptive statistics summary results(gender)


Table 5 Descriptive statistics summary results (Age)

Figure 2 Results of the ascertaining stage of the study


Figure 3 Results of the ascertaining stage of the study (percentage)

Results and Discussion

The sample consisted of 515 students enrolled in the 1st year of the specialty «General Medicine» of Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University. Socio-demographic data of the sample:

- the prevailing number of respondents - students aged 16-18 years (86%), 19-21 years (9%) and 22 years (4%);

- 71,2% (134 the respondents are female, the remaining 28.7% (54 people) are male.

Due to the restrictions of the quarantine training regime, the survey was conducted anonymously and voluntarily in an online format through the Google Forms application via WhatsApp chat mailing. All the data obtained were statistically processed by specialists of the Biostatistics Sector of the Research Activity Management Department of Marat Ospanov ZKMU using the STATISTIKA 10 and SPSS 25 programs (Table 3-5).

Summary data on the levels of formation of social responsibility of students in the conditions of vocational training of the university (Figure 2-3) stated intuitive reproductive levels.


Responsibility is a personally significant and highly demanded personal characteristic

in the social aspect of human life. In almost all spheres of modern life, responsibility is a kind of condition and a guarantee of its successful constructive implementation. And as a result, we get a wide range of problems and questions of this phenomenon - the definition of semantic and structural content, forms and conditions of manifestation, creative and regulatory potential of responsibility as a personal trait of an individual, etc.

In the Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University in the education of the personality of a modern citizen with a high level of social responsibility, an important role belongs to the Youth Affairs Department, the center for the implementation of youth policy ideas based on civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral education. In the formation of the ideal image of a modern doctor from a moral point of view, great merit belongs to the curators, primarily their creative activity. The analysis of the plan of educational work of the departments and, in particular, curators, showed that the curatorial hours, events, round tables, thematically and in content correspond to the orientation of generally accepted state strategic documents (the President’s Message, the concepts of «Mangilik el», «Uly Dala Eli», the program «Rukhani zhangyru», etc.), however, according to the results of the study, this is not enough for the formation of social responsibility.


Increasing the social responsibility of the student, being a continuous process of personal conscious formation of a person, needs comprehensive support from both teaching staff and society. Therefore, the formation and increase of the social responsibility of the student’s personality is realized in the educational process when creating favorable social, psychological and pedagogical conditions at a certain personal stage of development with predetermined attitudes and expected results. Within the framework of the study, we have identified the following pedagogical conditions for the formation of social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training as: «introduction of the

attribute – social responsibility into the graduate model»; «integration of the phenomenon of social responsibility in the context of the entire Educational program», «mastering the course

«Global Citizenship», «creation of a unified socio-cultural environment of the internal life of the university to involve students in socially significant activities».


This research is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No.



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11. Chen L., Xiao S. Perceptions, challenges and coping strategies of science teachers in teaching socioscientific issues: A systematic review, Educational Research Review, 32, 100-377 (2021).

М.М. Книсарина1, А.Д. Сыздыкбаева2, Г.С. Жұмалиева1

1Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік медицина университеті КЕАҚ, Ақтөбе, Қазақстан

2Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті, Алматы қ., Қазақстан Кәсіби даярлау жағдайында білім алушылардың әлеуметтік

жауапкершілігін қалыптастыру моделі

Аңдатпа. Мақалада кәсіби дайындық жағдайында студенттердің әлеуметтік жауапкершілігін қалып- тастыру процесі қарастырылған (Батыс Қазақстандағы аймақтық университет мысалында). Зерттеудің мақсаты – кәсіптік оқыту жағдайында студенттердің әлеуметтік жауапкершілігін қалыптастыру моделін теориялық негіздеу, қалыптасу деңгейін анықтау және дамыту. «Әлеуметтік жауапкершілік» түсінігі тал- данды, оның құрылымының құрамдас бөліктері айқындалды. Шетелдік ғалымдар J.C.R. Sousa, F. Rosati, L. Jaejin S.L. Davis және басқалар зерттеулерді талдау негізінде осы құбылыстың генезисін ұсынды. Кәсіби дайындық жағдайында студенттердің әлеуметтік жауапкершілігін қалыптастыру деңгейлері негізделген:

интуитивтік, репродуктивті, белсенді. Әлеуметтік жауапкершілікті қалыптастыру деңгейін диагностика- лау бағдарламасы ұсынылған. Диагностикалық нәтижелер М. Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан меди- цина университетінде студенттердің әлеуметтік жауапкершілігін қалыптастырудың интуитивті-репро- дуктивті деңгейлерін анықтады. Кәсіптік оқыту жағдайында студенттердің әлеуметтік жауапкершілігін қалыптастыру моделі әзірленді.

Түйін сөздер: жауапкершілік, әлеуметтік жауапкершілік, ЖОО студенттері, кәсіптік оқыту, студент- тердің әлеуметтік жауапкершілігін қалыптастыру үлгісі.


М.М. Книсарина1, А.Д. Сыздыкбаева2, Г.С. Жумалиева1

1НАО «Западно-Казахстанский медицинский университет имени Марата Оспанова», г. Актобе, Казахстан

2Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая, г. Алматы, Казахстан Модель формирования социальной ответственности обучающихся

в условиях профессиональной подготовки

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается процесс формирования социальной ответственности обучаю- щихся в условиях профессиональной подготовки (на примере регионального вуза Западного Казахста- на). Целью исследования является теоретическое обоснование, определение уровня сформированности и разработка модели формирования социальной ответственности обучающихся в условиях профессио- нальной подготовки. Проанализировано понятие «социальная ответственность», определены компонен- ты ее структуры. На основе анализа зарубежных исследований J.C.R. Sousa, F. Rosati, L. Jaejin S.L. Davis и др. представлен генезис возникновения данного феномена. Обоснованы уровни сформированности социальной ответственности обучающихся в условиях профессиональной подготовки: интуитивный, репродуктивный, активный. Представлена программа диагностики уровня сформированности соци- альной ответственности. Результаты диагностики констатировали интуитивно-репродуктивный уровни сформированности социальной ответственности обучающихся в Западно-Казахстанском медицинском университете имени М. Оспанова. Разработана модель формирования социальной ответственности обу- чающихся в условиях профессиональной подготовки.

Ключевые слова: ответственность, социальная ответственность, обучающиеся вуза, профессиональ- ная подготовка, модель формирования социальной ответственности обучающихся.

Information about authors:

Knissarina М.М. – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, NCJSC

«West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University», Aktobe, Kazakhstan.

Syzdykbayeva A.D. – Corresponding author, Doctor of philosophy, associate professor, postdoctoral, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Zhumaliyeva G.S. – Master of Pedagogy and Psychology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Psychology, NCJSC «West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University», Aktobe, Kazakhstan.

Книсарина М.М. – (PhD) философия докторы, «Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті» КеАҚ, психология кафедрасының доценті, Ақтөбе, Қазақстан.

Сыздыкбаева А.Д. – корреспонденция үшін автор, (PhD) философия докторы, қауымдастырылған профессоры, постдокторант, Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті, Алматы, Қа- зақстан.

Жұмалиева Г.С. – педагогика және психология магистрі, Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті КеАҚ, психология кафедрасының аға оқытушысы, Ақтөбе, Қазақстан.

Ақпарат көздері


Гумилев атындағы университетінің қабырғасында Еуразиялық Одақ аясында қызмет атқаратын заңгер-халықаралық құқық кадрларын дайындау үшін базалық

жaсay; тұлғaның үздiксiз шығapмaшылықпeн дaмyы, өзгepyi жәнe жeтiлyi; oның бiлiм aлy кeңiстiгiндeгi жaңaлыққa ұмтылысын қaмтaмaсыз eтy жәнe кәсiби бiлiм

- inclusion of procedures of the project activity in the contents of teaching students, consists of the stages: pre-project stage, characterized by the search,

Болашақ физика пәнінің мұғалімі жалпы білім беретін мектеп оқушыларының танымдық қызығушылығын дамытуға дайындығы болуы үшін жоғары оқу орнында арнайы

Keywords: « diploma mill», higher education, reforms in education, quality of education, private universities, competitive environment, university graduates, diplomas,

Как особенность формирования профессиональной мотивации студентов педагогического вуза исследователи (В.А. Сластенин и др.) выделяют то, что мотивы выбора

The author successfully connected the process of forming an entrepreneurial culture with the issues of reforming the higher education system, including the creation of a

Прежде чем рассмотреть роль фактора политического лидера в формировании международного имиджа Казахстана, необходимо выяснить каковы же эти отношения и